Russia 1995

371 44 0

Training was intense as usual, but the young girl was used to it by now. This was another session against some older girls before being allowed to eat. Although the food wasn't anything special, she still looked forward to it daily. The loser of this match wouldn't be allowed to eat, and she couldn't have that.

She was currently in a chokehold; the older girl had managed to get behind her and put her in the hold. But she was somewhat prepared and managed to get her forearm between the girl's arm and her neck so she wasn't immediately forced to pass out. She struggled to disorient the other and managed to swing her leg behind the older girl. Once her leg was in place, she then caused her body to go dead weight as she leaned backward and caused her body to fall on the older girl. The whole motion happened so quickly that the older girl wasn't prepared, and her grip loosened when she landed on her back. The young girl managed to break free, stood up, and kicked the other girl in her jaw fast and hard to knock her out instead. She wouldn't miss out on lunch today.

"You did well today, Ragdoll; you may go to eat lunch," Madam B dismissed the girl. As the young girl walked out, she could hear the older girls being scolded for losing to someone much younger than them. Where Ragdoll was still in the first age range tier for her Widow training, these girls were in the second tier. The oldest being seventeen. But the girl who fought Ragdoll was only twelve, so the gap wasn't significant. But enough for Madam B to embarrass the others and cause friction between her and the older girls.

When Ragdoll was escorted to the dining hall, she was first seated at a single table with an instructor who quizzed her on dining etiquette and utensils. She had to earn the right to eat again before being given her food to join her age group to eat. She passed her test and ignored all the others as she headed straight for the food. Once she received her plate, she took it to a corner of the room, where she sat on the floor to survey her surroundings. This was her usual. She couldn't sit at the table because the other girls occasionally ganged up on her to steal her food. There were no rules. It was survival of the fittest, even during lunch. But she could always keep an eye on them if she sat in the corner.

While watching the others, she noticed a bizarre sight. A head of blue. She couldn't help staring as it was the first time she had seen such a thing. Her confusion was plastered to her face, and the blue-haired girl could feel the stare. She glanced over and saw the odd girl on the floor eating lunch. Her brows furrowed in her own confusion now.

The blue-haired girl interrupted the other girls who were spit-firing questions about her time in America, "Wait, who is that? Why does she keep staring?" she asked in Russian with furrowed brows.

"Ignore her, Natalia, she's stupid. Brain damaged, I think? She stares at everyone. General Dreykov calls her Ragdoll because of how stupid she is," a girl to her right scoffed while practicing her English.

"How could she be here if she's stupid?" Natalia asked with a glare toward that girl.

"I don't know. She just showed up one day. But we think she will be on a special mission at some point," one girl said.

"They take special care of her. Whenever she's hurt, she's sent to the infirmary immediately after the session so she doesn't scar. Even for a tiny scratch," another explained, "Not like us, who only get sent if it's too serious."

"Maybe she's someone's plaything?" another girl wondered aloud.

"She's not in the seduction classes," Another girl shot down that hunch.

"How do you know? She goes to the older classes now. Maybe she's undergoing that kind of training there now? She probably belongs to a pervert that likes younger girls," Another laughed.

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