Russia 1992

513 54 6

A group of impeccably dressed Asian men and one small girl soon entered the complex. They met an attractive middle-aged woman who bowed slightly in greeting before she escorted them to her superior. But she did so only after relinquishing them of their weapons. She explained some of the training the young girls were completing as they passed. Several armed personnel stopped and saluted the woman. She nodded in their direction in greeting as her group made their way to the facility's center, where they took an elevator to an underground bunker.

They no longer saw any more children training. Now, older teenagers bordering on young women were completing additional types of training. As they made it to the back of the underground portion of the facility, they came across fewer people. Soon, they were met with large double doors and two young male personnel dressed the same as all the prior personnel but with additional armor who stood at attention. These men were equipped with semi-automatic weapons. These men could clearly be seen as guards. When they noticed the woman and her group approach, they saluted and notified those inside to open the door.

When they entered, they were in a reasonably luxurious office with dozens of monitors displaying many training rooms, hallways, and the complex's exterior. Six more guards were lining the walls with rifles, and a massive desk in the center back had a rather sizeable stocky man with glasses sitting in a plush seat while smoking a cigar.

When they entered, he took one last puff of that cigar and put it in his ashtray for later. He stood, approached the group, and bowed slightly to the man in the lead, who reciprocated before the two shook hands. They exchanged pleasantries in their respective languages, utilizing their translators to bridge the language barrier until the leader of the facility offered English as the language to complete their business.

"Why are you here, Akihiko?" The facility leader asked with a thick Russian accent. He gestured for his guest to take the seat in front of his desk while he took his seat.

"It's as you said. Business," The other well-dressed man answered in a Japanese accent.

"As I remember, you looked down on women being used in your organization. And you especially looked down on my Widows. How did you put it before? Ah, I remember. You said they were inferior to your Yakuza's ninja assassins. If that is so, what is it that you think I can help you with?" He asked. He only then noticed the small figure behind the Asian man. He was shocked for only a brief moment, which wasn't noticeable to his guests, and quickly redirected his attention back to his guest.

"I did. I still somewhat do. But I have recently had a daughter of my own. I will make changes to the organization. But she will need protection in the future when I begin to make these changes. And I would feel more comfortable having a woman protect her than a man," Akihiko explained, "I was hoping we could make a deal, Dreykov."

"I have Widows available for bodyguard service. This can be done," Dreykov nodded in understanding.

"I don't want one of your Widows. I brought a child to be trained," Akihiko said.

Dreykov frowned at that, "Are my Widows still not good enough for you?" he asked with a raised voice as he slammed his fist on the table, spitting out Russian obscenities.

Akihiko didn't flinch, "That's not it at all. I have certain requirements for this bodyguard that your girls won't be able to fulfill. This girl I was given meets those criteria."

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