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It had been a week since the girl was taken into the Genji family. Naomi had gotten her clothes that fit correctly that first day and taught her how to behave at home. She had no actual rules. She was allowed to be as unrestrained as Hana. However, Jun didn't take advantage since she didn't see a need to. She mainly followed Hana around as Hana enjoyed showing her new big brother around their home.

Hana immediately discovered Jun's sweet tooth and tried to indulge with her as much as possible. She told her parents the sweets were necessary so the two could be closer as siblings. She even taught Jun to nod in agreement when she said it. Naomi didn't want to allow this to go too far. But gave in quite a bit. She felt she had to be clear with her children about it, though. She felt exaggerating the truth would be the best bet. She told them that if they ate too many sweets, their teeth would fall out, and they wouldn't be able to enjoy food or candy ever again.

Jun was terrified. But she still wanted the sweets. Hana had told her it was okay if they remembered to brush their teeth after every meal. Naomi reluctantly agreed. She was happy with the results when she saw how diligent the children became because of these words. The girls would do whatever they could to protect their teeth, brushing and flossing after every meal.

The family was getting along very well but noticed that Jun made absolutely no noise when she walked. She startled them a lot. Akihiko wasn't able to detect her either, not unless he was focusing on doing so. Even then, he could only faintly detect her. When she tried to drag her feet to make a bit of noise, Akihiko scolded her. He told her to embrace her silence. He found it to be a positive, especially for her upcoming training.

After the girl was settled and he devised a plan for raising the child with his wife, he informed his oyabun of everything and was called in to discuss details with him and his brothers. He dressed in his suit and had the girl dress decently before the two set off. When they arrived, he left the girl sitting in the hall to await his instructions and went inside.

Sitting at the head of a round meeting table was an older gentleman balding from the center with a ring of short white hair around. He was their oyabun, Lord Shingen, the leader of the Yashida clan. Despite his age, he wore an expensive tailored suit on his fit body and had a sharp gaze that showed he was still someone not to be trifled with. Standing before their seats awaiting his arrival were his three brothers, fellow kobun beneath their oyabun. They were named Kazuo, Kaede, and Ritsu.

Once he entered the room, he stood at the door and bowed to his oyabun until he was given verbal permission to step forward. Once he stood beside his three brothers, he turned to his left and gave them a nod and then turned to his right to do the same. Then, they were permitted to take their seats.

"It is good to see you still live, Akihiko," Lord Shingen said indifferently. He continued, "It was foolish to take your kobun without them having proven their loyalty first. But you survived the assault. This is great luck."

"Yes, oyabun," Akihiko answered.

"You say it was because of the girl that you survived. I wouldn't have thought a young girl could help that situation. But a lifesaving grace is now owed. So let's discuss your plans." Lord Shingen got down to business. He opened up the conversation to allow his kobun to speak freely.

"Didn't you initially say you would train the girl with your ninja to be a bodyguard?" Ritsu asked.

"Pipe dreams," Kaede grinned mockingly.

"Will she still be a bodyguard?" Kazuo wondered.

"No, my wife doesn't want her to have to be a bodyguard. But I explained the girl's need to join my ninja," Akihiko explained.

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