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Scarlett revealed that Alexander would be gone for a few days for personal reasons. She stayed thoughtful, and after talking it over with Filipa, she said:

"The other day I saw how Alexander looked at your father's ass with desire, so I'm not surprised at all."

Scarlett's eyes widened in disbelief as she processed Filipa's shocking revelation

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Scarlett's eyes widened in disbelief as she processed Filipa's shocking revelation. Thoughts raced through Scarlett's mind, trying to make sense of what she had just heard. She had always known that her father had a certain charm, but the idea of Alexander being attracted to him seemed unfathomable.

Scarlett struggled to reconcile this new information with her own experiences with Alexander. She had never detected any signs of attraction between him and her father, and the thought of it felt absurd. But Filipa had always been perceptive, and Scarlett trusted her girlfriend's instincts. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if there was some misunderstanding or misinterpretation at play. Maybe Filipa had misread the situation, or perhaps Scarlett herself had missed something. Whatever the case, Scarlett knew she needed to address the situation and clarify any potential misunderstandings.

Theolinda made a Tredwell app profile. Her username was Curious Redhead. She began reading the comments on the numerous photographs of Dane's strange paintings that had been released. Some of her supporters were particularly fervent. One of them, in particular, piqued Theolinda's interest. He referred to himself as the Messenger of Darkness, and some of his messages read as follows:

'Your paintings portray the fantastic inferno that we all have within us.'

'I completely identify with the painting's message. Those of us who have been liberated by the darkness must band together to grow stronger.'

'The most powerful and truthful feeling is hatred.'

Reading this gave Theolinda shivers and made her wish she had Ryan with her at that moment. He could comprehend this man's mindset. Maybe she should discuss it with him at some point so he can offer her his view.

She opted to convey a direct message to the Messenger of Darkness for the time being.

'I'm surprised. I didn't expect to discover someone who shared my opinion on this application. Can we follow each other?'

Brontë was concerned about Ryan. She hadn't heard from him since he abruptly departed.

She got a message. It was from Ryan.

'Brontë, I apologize for my sudden departure. I'll be gone for a few days; I'm not sure how many. I'm with a good friend, Alexander. Please update me on classes when I return. Kisses.'

Brontë was sad. She felt a mix of emotions—disappointment, worry, and a tinge of jealousy toward Alexander. Brontë couldn't shake the feeling that something more was going on between Ryan and Alexander.

'Are they lovers? Or am I just overthinking things?' thought she.

Mia was frantically searching for Ryan all across campus. She was at a loss for where to look. Mia noticed Brontë and approached her.

"Hello, Brontë or whatever your name is. Where is Logan?"

Mia's tone irritated Brontë, who responded:

"Logan isn't here. He will be gone for a few days. He is with Alexander."

Mia's eyes widened in surprise at Brontë's response.

"With Alexander? What do you mean?" She questioned, her voice tinged with rage.

The thought of them being together sent a surge of anger through her veins, making her fists clench tightly.

"How could he do this to me?" she muttered.

Brontë walked away.

Mia paced back and forth, her mind racing with a mix of confusion, betrayal, and hurt. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks—Ryan, whom she loved, was having an affair with another man. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to comprehend the depth of the betrayal. How could Ryan do this to her? And with this silly guy, Alexander. The anger surged within her, fueling her determination to confront Ryan and demand answers.

"If he wanted to fuck a guy, I could give it to him. I just had to become a man, and the matter was solved. Maybe that's the solution, yes." Mia said through gritted teeth, and she smiled again.

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