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578 20 0

Omniscient POV:


Medford Wash


Meemaw is walking around the shop, making sure everything is going well. She spots the girl who was on a date with Georgie a little while ago.

"Hey there. You're Georgie's friend, right?" Meemaw walks up to Raina.

Raina smiles. "Yeah, Raina. Hi!"

"You grow up around here?" Meemaw asks, trying to get to know her better.

Raina shakes her head. "Nope. Born and raised in the beautiful city of Brooklyn." She playfully rolls her eyes, laughing. 

"Brooklyn." Meemaw's eyes are wide, realizing the girl is from a bad area.

"Yeah! I got onto a really good karate team, and I worked my way up the totem pole in the sport. I'm pretty well-known in the world of--" Raina is cut off.

"Hey, y'all." Georgie comes up to her and Meemaw.

Meemaw chuckles. "Well, speak of the devil."

"What's going on, ladies?" Georgie asks.

"Just gettin' to know Raina here." Meemaw turns to Raina.

Raina smiles. "Yeah, I was telling her about Brooklyn."

"Oh, she has family in New York, she knows all about that stuff." Georgie lies. "Anyway, I'll let you get back to work." Georgie verbally pushes Meemaw away.

Meemaw nods. "I'll leave you two kids be. Wish I could be a teenager forever! Not have to deal with all this 'being a parent' stuff." Meemaw raises her eyebrows.

Georgie gets what she's saying. 

Raina has no clue, and just laughs.


Georgie is restocking some items in the laundromat's closet.

Until Meemaw walks in.

"Raina seems nice." Meemaw says.

Georgie nods. "She's all right."

"Things gettin' serious?" Meemaw tilts her head.

Georgie goes back to putting things on shelves. "I don't know, why?"

"Just wondering when you'll knock her up." Meemaw shrugs.

Georgie turns to her, "I ain't getting her pregnant. We are just good friends."

"Well, the friend-o-meter is at an all-time max. And besides, y'all we're drinking margaritas?" Meemaw whispers.

Georgie frowns. "You ain't ever lie about anything our age?"

"Different time, Different rules." Meemaw says blankly.

Georgie shakes his head. "It's not a big deal. We're just having fun."

"Yeah, well before you have too much fun, you better be above the age of twenty-five." Meemaw scolds.




"Where you wanna go?" Georgie asks.

Raina shrugs. "I am up for anything."

"I was thinking the bar, but I go there so much. What about a movie?" Georgie lies.

"Or.... We could just go back to your place." Raina turns to him, smiling.

Georgie nods. "Oh. That-That'd be amazing."

"Well, 'amazing' is a lot of pressure, but I'll give it a shot." Raina sheepishly chuckles. 

Georgie turns down the radio. "Listen, when I said I moved out of my parent's place, that was true. But I'm kind of living in their garage."

Raina pauses. "Well, my parent's are in the next bedroom over, so it's you're place or the car again. I am not even going to suggest nothing."

"My place works." Georgie smiles. 


The Cooper Household


Georgie and Raina are making out on the bed. 

"Oh, Georgie. So disappointed in you." AN IMAGINARY MEEMAW APPEARS.

Georgie suddenly pulls away from the kiss and sits up.

"Is everything okay?" Raina asks, sitting up too.

Georgie nods. "Yeah. Very okay."

With that he reconnects the kiss.

"I don't want things going farther than this." IMAGINARY MEEMAW SHAKES HER HEAD.

"Would you leave the kid alone? He's just having some fun." IMAGINARY DALE APPEARS.

"They are too young to be doing stuff like this." IMAGINARY MEEMAW SCOLDS. 


"No. He knows this is wrong and he's gonna do the right thing."  IMAGINARY MEEMAW SHAKES HER HEAD WITH WORRY.

Raina is unbuttoning her shirt, with Georgie laying back, smiling.

"Connie, the second that girl's shirt comes off, it's game over." IMAGINARY DALE INFORMS HER.

"No. My grandson more integrity than you're giving him credit--" 


 "Amazing." Georgie huffs.

Raina laughs. "You're acting like you ain't seen these double D's before." 


Word Count: 618

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