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208 13 2

Ominicent POV:


Now in Raina's room, Georgie and her are trying to keep their voices down as they discuss the current situation.

"Are you sure?" Georgie sighs.

Raina walks up to her dresser and grabs the test. "I'm sure." She has a heavily aggravated tone.

Georgie takes the test from her hand, and stares at it. "Sometimes these things ain't accurate. Maybe take another one." 

Raina rolls her eyes and reaches to her dresser again. "Here you go." She hands him a second test. "This enough proof?" Raina growls, handing him a third. "Cuz I could keep going." She finishes, handing him a fourth test.

"Four is convincing, but maybe five--" Georgie gets cut off.

"I'M PREGNANT, Georgie." Raina shouts. 

He sighs again. "What happens now?"

Raina crosses her arms. "I-I don't know. I've never been knocked up before!" 

"Well, if it helps, I almost got a girl pregnant before, so I've been through this." Georgie nods.

"GEORGIE!" Raina screams, throwing her hands into the air.


In Dale's store, Georgie knocks on the office door and walks in. "Can I talk to you about something."

Dale is sitting by his desk. "Come on, this is my coffee time." He sighs, putting down his cup.

"It's more important than your coffee." Georgie closes the door behind him.

Dale takes another sip out of his mug. "If I don't drink my coffee, I don't go to the bathroom. That's important."

"That girl I was seeing is pregnant."

Dale's eyes go wide. "You win. Sit."

Georgie agrees and sits down in the chair across from the desk. "My folks are gonna kill me."

Dale slams his mug onto the desk. "They don't know yet?"

"You're the only person I told."

Dale sighs. "Okay, first things first. Are you sure this kid's even yours?"

"Yeah. We've been sleepin' together." Georgie nods with a confused look.

"Well, that doesn't mean its yours." Dale says.

A look of relief washes through Georgie's expression. "Maybe she also cheated on me!"

Dale raises an eyebrow. "We can only hope."


Georgie knocks on the door to Raina's house. "It's Georgie!" He shouts.

Raina quickly opens the door, and leans on the doorframe. "What?"

"I know I was a little freaked out the last time I was here." Georgie starts.

Raina snorts. "Yeah. You should be."

"But I had some time to think, and there's something I need to ask you." Georgie continues.

Raina raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"Are you sure that baby's mine?"

Raina's expression drops. "You're joking, right?" She laughs. "You have got to be joking! What kind of whore do you think I am, I do not go around, sleeping with every guy I see!" Raina screams. She slams the door in his face.


Now back in Dale's office, Georgie looks defeated.

"She did not like that question at all."

Dale pauses to think for a second. "So the baby's yours?"

Georgie shakes his head. "What am I gonna do?"

"Is there any chance she decides not to have it? Put it up for adoption?" Dale asks.

Georgie shakes his head once again. "Not happening. She's keeping it."

Dale leans back in his seat. "Well, I hope you enjoyed being young and carefree, because that ship has sailed."

"Not helpful." Georgie looks down. He then stands up. "Allright. I know what I need to do."

"Tell your parents?" Dale suggests.

Georgie ignores him. "Do the right thing and marry her."

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Georgie... no one has to get married here." Dale jumps up from his seat.

"Well, my dad got my mom pregnant, and he married her." Georgie adds.

Dale shakes his head. "Rushin' into marriage with someone you hardly know is a bad idea." 

"Maybe we could be happy together." Georgie smiles.

"How does she feel about you right now?"

Georgie's smile disappears. "Pissed. But she's pregnant, so it's probably just chick hormones."

"Well, tell her that and see what happens." Dale rolls his eyes.


Raina walks into a clothing store. Her mother's clothing store. She wanders through the store until she reaches the owners room. Raina lightly knocks on the door before walking in. "Hi, mom."

Chlöe looks up from her papers. She was in the middle of talking with an employee. "Oh, hello honey. What are you doing here?"

Raina takes a deep breath and sits in the fluffy white chair that sits across from Chlöe's pink desk. "I have to tell you something."

Chlöe waits for Raina to start.

"In private."

Chloe widens her eyes, before signaling for the employee to leave.

When the door is shut, Raina gulps, and builds up the courage to speak.

"Uhm. Well, you know that guy I've been seeing?" She starts.

Chlöe groans. "Oh, are you two breaking up? Good, I didn't like him."

Raina's eyes go wide with fear. "No, but, well, we are kinda, sort-of going to be having a... a baby." Raina's voice gets lower with every word.

Chlöe's eyes go wide. She drops the cup that was in her hand.


Georgie opens the door to the garage, and George is standing there. "Hey."

"Your mother said you wanted to talk to me?" George asks. Deep down, he was excited because Georgie finally wanted to talk to him.

Georgie takes a deep breath. "Yeah. Come in." He shuts the door behind him.

"So, what's going on?" Georgie asks. He puts his hands on his hips.

Georgie sighs. "It's kind of hard to talk about."

George shakes his head. "Whatever it is, I'm here for you."

"I... I got a girl pregnant."

George's expression slowly goes blank.


Word Count: 870

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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