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Omniscient POV:


June 13th, 1992

Atlanta, Georgia

Battle Of Atlanta


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These are the scores for the one and only Raina Mintz. World Champion of 1991, and World Top ten for five years prior. 

Karate has always been Raina's whole life. She started at age eight, and now, at age seventeen, Raina is better than ever. 

"And our winner is, Raina Mintz!" The middle judge announces. All seven of the competitors in the division line up and bow. 

A judge hands Raina her first-place ticket. 

Once, the girls are dismissed, Raina runs off the mat and crashes into her mother with a hug. 

"Congratulations, honey." Chlöe says, muffled by her face being in Raina's shoulder. 

Raina releases from the hug. "Thanks, mom. Let's go get my medal." She pulls her mom's hand.

On their walk to the medal stand, Raina makes short chats with people she knows. Raina has been competing since she was thirteen, so she's made many friends in the last four years. 

The mother and daughter are waiting in line, Chlöe realizes she has to break the news to her daughter sooner or later. She knew her daughter was very happy right now, and she didn't want to ruin the moment. But Chlöe knows her family is leaving for Texas in a few days, so she should atleast inform her daughter about the move. 

"Raina?" Chlöe gulps.

Raina continues filling out the slip of paper that contains her information so it can be engraved onto the medal and hums. 

"I have to tell you something."

This makes Raina look up. "What happened?" She asks, faced with her mother's terrified look.

"We are leaving. For Texas." Chlöe looks down, sad she has to disappoint her daughter like this. 

Raina suddenly smiles again. "Cool. What tournament?" She leans back down and continues filling out her slip.

"No. To live there." Chlöe gulps.

Raina slowly turns to her mom. "What?"

"We are moving to Texas."

Raina slams her pen onto the table. "We can't! I have a life! I can't just leave karate!"

"Ray, calm down. You can still train yourself." Chlöe shrinks in her skin.

Raina throws her hands up in the air. "But my whole life is here! I don't know anything about Texas! I'm from the city! I can't just go from walking around Brooklyn to riding a horse in the desert!" She shouts. 

"You are embarrassing me!" Chlöe yells through gritted teeth. "We are moving whether you like it or not."

Raina snatches the five dollar bill out of her mother's hand and pays the engraver. "I hate you. I hate this."


June 16th, 1992

Brooklyn, New York


Raina hugs the last person of her karate team. "I will miss you guys." She sheds a tear.

"We'll miss you too!"

"Please don't leave."

"This team is nothing without you."

The team says a couple more supporting words and Raina smiles. "You guys are the best. Don't worry. I'll come back and visit someday. And besides, I'll see you all at Capitol Classics."

The team members nod. And they do a group hug. 

"I have to go now. See you all soon!" Raina blows kisses and exits the karate school.


June 17th, 1992

Medford, Texas


"Very. Country. I miss the city." Raina stares at her new house. 

Chlöe rolls her eyes. "Too bad. Go inside, and unpack. Now." She leaves her daughters side and enters the house. 

Raina unpacks, and she lays on the ground staring up at the ceiling. 

What does this town have for her?

I guess we'll find out.


Word Count: 569

A/N: Prologue is done! Also, I can't believe were already at #1 for georgecooper.

Thanks for that!

Go read my other two books, Captain Man's hero and My Modern Family.

That's it. Thank you for reading. <3


Xoxo, Via. 

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