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Emerson's POV

"So Em, how is it?" Sav asked from my phone.

 I'm currently sitting on my bed, as I talk on the phone with Savannah. 

"The place is really nice." I turned my camera around to show her my new room. 

 "How's the roommate?" she question curiously. 

"He's an asshole."

 "He?! What do you mean?" she practically screamed, "Do I know him?"

I shrug, "His name is Dakota Johnson"

"Dakota" she repeats thoughtfully, "Wait, Dakota Johnson. The super hot, super rich, sleeps with every girl, Dakota Johnson?"

I sigh and shake my head yes.

"Like the guy that hooked up with Maggie last year?"

I shook my head again.

I hear a loud sigh and squeal, "Oh my god, you live with Dakota Johnson!"


"Sav" I said appalled "This is not a good thing."

"Why not? Have you not seen how hot he is?" I watch as the grin spreads on her face. "And he's like super rich so I wonder why he's living there."

"Shut up!" I snap.

"Listen, I have to go. Cole is here but I'll call you back later, okay?"

Cole is Savannah's boyfriend. 

Before I can say anything else, Sav hangs up.

"Done talking about me?"

I almost fall off my bed when I hear Dakota's voice. When did he get there? 

I shift my eyes to my door to see him leaned up against my door frame with his arms crossed. He's dressed in a tight t-shirt that showcases his toned body and biceps and very tight running shorts that stop midway down his muscular thighs.

Oh my.

"H-h-how long have you been standing there?" I stutter.

He smirks at me.

"I'll be back. Don't go in my room" He snaps, completely ignoring my question.

My lips are out of words yet again. My eyes follow him as he walks out of my view.

I hear him grab his keys and then the apartment door shuts.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?


Today has been pretty uneventful. 

Dakota has either been in his room or out of the apartment so I haven't talked to him at all.

I think I need to make some friends around here because clearly Dakota has no intentions of being that with me.

"So have you told your dad?" Sav questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I was currently sitting on her bed as she finished decorating the walls in her dorm. 

"I can't tell him. He might kill Dakota" I shake my head. 

"He will not!" Sav reassured.

"My dear daughter, how could you bring a boy into your scared abode? This is an outrage!" I mimic my dad as I dramatically gasp and clutch my chest. 

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