4 - Bentley

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Emerson's POV

I sigh as I open the door to my apartment, unprepared of what Dakota might say to me.

I look around to see him sitting on the couch.

"Hi" I chime.

No response.

I set my stuff down and join him on the couch.

He rolls his eyes "I just can't escape you, can I?"

"Well, we do live together" I say matter-of-factly. "How were your classes?"

"That's none of your business"

I shrug, "Sorry, I was just asking. My classes were so boring. I had to sit through two three hour lectures and we just repeated things we already learned. Then we played this game where-"

"Oh my fuck! I don't care" He groans loudly, rubbing his hand on his temple. I like annoying him now. "Leave me alone, okay?"

"Ellie definitely lied about you being sweet" I mumbled.

He let out a deep sigh. "How did you meet Eloise?"

"We have class together"

"Are you two going to be like friends?"

"We might be. Is that a problem?"


"How did you meet Ellie?" I asked, ignoring the fact that he didn't want me to be friends with his friends.

"You ask a lot of fucking questions" he groaned.

"and you swear a lot"

He shifted his attention back to the tv, avoiding my question.

I didn't want this conversation to end, but every conversation with Dakota is short.

I made my way to the kitchen to make myself food.

I looked around and notice that Dakota left his dirty dishes in the sink. Again.

He never cleans up after himself.

"Would it kill you to at least rinse your dishes" I sighed. "You can wash them if it's bothering you so much." He said with a dismissive shrug.

From day one, Dakota made it clear that he had no intentions of being a considerate roommate.

I spent the rest of the night in my room organizing my school schedule and assignments and writing down due dates.

 I kept thinking about how inconsiderate Dakota had been the past few days. Maybe he is just having a rough week and is upset about living with a girl. Ellie did say he was a sweet boy, but he has yet to show any piece of that personality.


It's been two days since I've talked to Dakota. I heard him leave early the past two mornings and by the time I am home, he is already locked in his room.

While walking up to my apartment, I could already hear the loud music Dakota was blasting. I wanted to be mad for how obnoxious it was, but part of me was glad he was actually home when I was.

As I walked in, I noticed Dakota sitting on the couch playing video games. 

Sitting next to him was a tall male with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked up at me, a smug smile spread across his face. "You must be Dakota's roommate" he said, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"I am" I responded shyly. He chuckled, clearly amused by me. "Well, I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised. You're much hotter than I thought" he said as his eyes roamed over my body.

"Dude, shut up!" Dakota retorted.

I could feel my cheeks heating up at the mystery boy's bold comment. I had always prided myself on being a strong and independent woman, but his words still managed to make me feel flustered. "Thanks, I guess," I mumbled, not knowing how to respond to his complement.

"Come hang out with us"

Dakota rolled his eyes.

I sighed knowing this was going to be a long night.

I sat down in the chair across from the dark haired boy, which cause Dakota to glance over at me.

I knew it would annoy him if I stayed out here.

"I'm Bentley" He flashed a cheesy smile.


"Tell me about yourself" he asked curiously.

I hesitated, unsure of what he wanted to know about me.

"Um, I am a junior majoring in elementary education. I'm from Oklahoma. Uh, I'm 21" I said shyly.

I noticed Dakota looking at me from the corner of his eye as I spoke. He's shown no interest in learning anything about me before.

Bentley gave me a warming smile. "I'm also a junior. I'm majoring in business like Dakota. I'm from Tennessee and I'm also 21"

So that's what Dakota's majoring in.

"How did you two meet?" I asked curiously.

"Don't worry abou-" "Dakota and I have know each other since elementary school" Bentley said, cutting Dakota off.

"You've put up with him for that long?" I laughed.

As the night went on, I found myself slowly warming up to Bentley. He was charming and funny, and it was clear that he was just trying to impress me with his over-the-top behavior.

Bentley tried to include me in their conversations and make me laugh with his witty remarks. I found myself enjoying his company and even started to forget about Dakota's rude behavior.

Dakota announced that he was going to the bathroom, leaving Bentley and I alone in the room.

I was about to go to my room, but Bentley stopped me. "Hey, Emerson. I hope Dakota didn't bother you too much tonight. He can be a bit much sometimes," Bentley said with a sympathetic smile.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, he can be a handful. But thanks for making this night a little more bearable,"

Bentley's smiled widen. "I'm glad I could help. Maybe next time we can hangout without Dakota around," he suggested.

I felt a sudden rush of excitement at the thought of spending more time with Bentley. "I'd like that," I said with a smile.

Bentley and I exchanged numbers before I made my way to my room.

I was looking down at my phone, smiling like an idiot, when I bumped into Dakota.

"Watch where you're going" he snarled.

I ignored him as I continued past him.

I couldn't help but feel grateful for his unexpected night in with my rude roommate and his charming best friend.

I had gone from dreading this evening to making a new friend, and I can't wait to see where the rest of this semester goes. 

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