3 - Something in Common

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Emerson's POV


I poured myself a glass of orange juice and sat down at the counter with my book.

I looked up as I heard Dakota's door open, hoping to see him. 

It wasn't him. 

There stood a blonde hair girl wearing a baggy shirt and shorts. I gave her a small smile, only for it to be returned with a glare.

Okay then.

"Who are you?" she scoffed.

"Who are you?" I asked, wanting to piss her off.

"I'm Lily. Why are you in Dakota's apartment?"

"I live here." I rolled my eyes. "Why are you here?"

Dakota walked out wearing a pair of black shorts and no shirt. His tan emphasized his already defined abs. My eyes trailed to the V that lead into his waistband.

"Dakota, you didn't tell me you lived with a girl" Lily said annoyed.

"Does it really fucking matter?" Dakota groaned.

Lily huffed as she quickly grabbed her things and made her way out of the apartment. 

"Was that one of your hoes?" I questioned confidentiality as the front door shut.

"Mind your own fucking business" he snapped.

That shut me up.

I watched him as he grabbed a granola bar and returned to his room.

I went back to reading my book. Ignoring the interaction that just happened.

A few minutes later, Dakota came back out of his room. This time he had a shirt on and a pair of running shoes.

I watched him as he grabbed his keys and made his way to the door.

"Can you stop fucking looking at me" he snapped again.

I quickly looked away.

"Where are you going?" I called as he walked out of the apartment. I wanted to annoy him, but I also wanted to know where he was going.

He's always leaving. 


I heard Dakota get home about an hour ago, but I stayed in my room as I didn't want to piss him off anymore.

Today was the last day off before classes start and I wanted to enjoy my day off. I finally decided not hide in my room anymore and grabbed my sketchbook and pencils.

 I made my way to the kitchen table, turned on my music, and began drawing.

Half an hour had passed and Dakota emerged from his room. I was so focused on my drawing that I didn't notice him walking towards me at first.

He watched me draw without saying anything for a couple minutes.

"You like Zach Bryan?" He asked, referring to the music I was listening to.

 "I do" I said quietly as I looked up at him.

 "He's one of my favorite artists to play on my guitar" he mentioned casually. 

I looked at him intrigued that he was actually telling me something. "He's my favorite artist" I responded.

I saw his lips curve upward, a small smile almost appearing.

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