8 - I Miss You, Mom

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The past week has gone by in a flash, yet it was so boring. My course work was picking up and I started a new job at a daycare. Dakota has been busy with hockey practice so I haven't seen him much. We made small talk here and there when we did see each other. He has continued to make his snarky comments toward me.

Emerson's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. I groggily reached for my phone, the bright screen displaying the date: September 17th. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized what today was. It has been five years since my mom lost her battle with cancer.

Every year, this day hit me hard. I usually spend the day with my dad reminiscing about her, looking through old photos and remembering the happy times we all shared together. But this year was different. This year, I had to face the day alone. I couldn't be with my dad today. He is in the hospital visiting my grandma, who isn't doing well.

I slowly got up out of bed. As I got dressed into a t-shirt and sweatpants, I couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness inside. I missed my mom's warm hugs and her comforting words. I missed the way my mom would make everything better with just a simple smile.

I sat down at my desk, staring at the photo of my mom and I on our last vacation. Not very many people know about my mother's passing besides Savannah and a few of my old friends.

I wiped away my tears and tried to compose myself. I can't let Dakota see me like this.

As I walked out of my room, Dakota was already in the kitchen, making himself breakfast. He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "What's with the tears, princess?" he sneered.

I rolled my eyes and tried to push past him to make myself some coffee. But Dakota grabbed my arm, making me wince in pain.

"Hey, I was just joking. What's wrong?" he asked, genuine concern evident on his face.

I hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "It's the anniversary of my mom's death."

Dakota's face softened and he let go of my arm. "I'm sorry, I had no idea," he said sincerely.

I nodded, not wanting to dwell on the topic any longer. I made my coffee and retreated back to my room, wanting to be alone.

But Dakota followed behind me and sat down on my bed.

"You know, my mom died a few years ago too," he said, surprising me.

"I didn't know that," I replied, looking at him in a new light.

"Yeah, I miss her every day," he said, his face filled with sadness.

I didn't want to question him about what happened, but I was so curious to know.

For the first time, I saw Dakota in a different light. I realized that he was just a lost soul, trying to hide his pain behind a tough exterior.

"Tell me about your mom" he asked sincerely.

"She was the most caring women I ever met" I started.

Dakota listened intently as I went on and on about my mom.


I slowly made my way down to Savannah's car. I didn't want to leave the apartment, but I didn't want to be alone today.

"I thought these might brighten up your room"Sav said, handing me a bouquet of flowers as I got in the car.

"Thank you" I replied with a small smile.

Savannah was like a second daughter to my mom. She was there when my mom passed.

"Come on, let's go for a walk," Sav suggested as she parked her car.

Without a word, I followed Savannah and headed out into the neighborhood. As we walked, Savannah talked about everything and anything, trying to distract me from my thoughts. And little by little, my mood began to lift.

We soon found ourselves at the park where we used to spend countless afternoons together last year. Sav sensed that I needed some time alone. She gave me a small nod and walked away.

I sat on a nearby bench, looking out at the lake in front of me. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the water. I couldn't help but think about all the memories I had shared with my mom at the lake back home. Tears began to stream down my face, but just as I was about to break down, I felt a familiar presence beside me.

Savannah had returned, and without a word, she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. I let out a sob, finally allowing myself to release all the pent-up emotions I had been holding in. Savannah held me tight, whispering words of comfort and understanding.

As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, I slowly began to calm down. I wiped my tears and looked up at Savannah, who gave me a gentle smile.

"Thank you for being here, Sav" I said, my voice shaky but sincere.

"Always," Savannah replied, squeezing my hand.

Together, we sat in silence for a few more minutes, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky. And in that moment, I realized that even though my mom was no longer physically with me, she still had people who loved and cared for her, like Sav, who would always be there to comfort me on the hardest of days.


Later that night, I came home from Savannah's feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. It had been a long, sad day and I was dreading the thought of having to face Dakota's grumpy attitude.

I walked into the apartment and noticed something different. My mouth dropped in surprise as I looked around at the now spotless apartment.

Dakota had cleaned the entire place.

There was a note on the counter that read, "There is ice cream in the freezer - D"

I couldn't help but smile at Dakota's kind gesture.

I scooped myself a bowl of ice cream and sat down on the couch. I scrolled through Netflix and put on School Sprits.

Dakota was at his hockey game so I had the place to myself. I curled up under my blanket and binge watched my show.


"Hey, how was your game?" I asked Dakota as he set his stuff down. "It was good. I scored two goals and we won" he sat down on the couch next to me, my feet almost touching his leg.

We sat there silently as Dakota tried to catch up on the show that I was 4 episodes deep in.

"Hey, Dakota?" I said quietly. "Yeah?' He looked over at me. "Thank you" I said referring to his kind gesture of cleaning the apartment and the ice cream.

"Don't mention it. I know how hard it can be to come home to a messy place after a long day," Dakota replied, shrugging it off.

In that moment, I realized that Dakota there's more to Dakota than I thought.

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