12 - Tensions and Truths

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After the tense exchange with Dakota, I made my way to my room. I laid down on my bed feeling a profound sense of regret and remorse. Dakota's words weighed heavily on me, echoing my mind after he left the room. I found myself replaying our conversation, analyzing every word and gesture, searching for any sign of hope or understanding.

Why does he care so much?

He should be happy for Bentley at least. Dakota has had girls over all week, so I really don't get why he got so upset. 

Maybe I should ask Ellie and Sophia?

I asked Ellie and Sophia if they wanted to meet up and get coffee. They both text back quickly, agreeing. I went to the bathroom and pulled myself together before walking out into the hallway to meet them.

We sat down at a table with our drinks and I began to fill them in on the events of the last 24 hours, trying to make sense of Dakota's intense reaction.

As I confide in Sophia and Ellie about my fight with Dakota, I find myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. 

Sophia listens attentively, her expression a mixture of concern and empathy. As Dakota's sister, she knows him well and understands the complexities of their relationship. She tries to offer comforting words and reassurance, but she isn't sure where this outburst is coming from.

Ellie interjects with her own insights, "What if Dakota likes you?"

I almost choke on my drink. "That's impossible."

Ellie gives Sophia a knowing look before looking back at me. "Look, Em. I don't know for sure, but why else would he get jealous of you being with Bentley?"

"There's so many reason Ellie. He got mad at me when I met you. He doesn't like me being friends with his friends. Plus, he keeps bringing girls home, so why would he do that if he likes me?" I questioned.

Ellie sat silent. Defeated at what to say.

As the conversation reaches a standstill, I can feel the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me. The possibility that Dakota's outburst might stem from deeper feelings catches me off guard, stirring a mix of confusion and apprehension within me.

Sophia observes the exchange with a furrowed brow. "I think we are all jumping to conclusions here," Sophia begins, her voice steady. "Do you want to be with Bentley?"

"I do, I like him a lot, but I don't want to cause more issues with Dakota. I have to live with him all year."

"Dakota can't always get his way," Sophia retorted."Do you want me to talk to him?"

"Can you?" I asked a little to eagerly. "Of course," Sophia laughed. "Thanks Soph." I said, meaningfully.


As we arrived back at our apartment complex, Emerson went to mine and Ellie's apartment while I went to talk to Dakota. I let myself in and made my way towards Dakota's room. As I approached his room with a sense of apprehension, my heart was heavy with concern for my brother and my friend.

I know that their fight has left both of them hurting in some way, and I was determined to bridge the divide between them.

I knocked softly on Dakota's door, "Hey Kota, it's Soph." Dakota called out, inviting me in, I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, stepping into the dimly lit room. 

Dakota sat on the edge of his bed, his expression guarded and distant. I could see the tension etched into his features, the weight of his and Emerson's argument weighing heavily on his shoulders. 

"Kota, can we talk?" I begin, my voice gentle yet firm. "I know things got heated between you and Emerson, but I'm worried about both of you. Can you tell me what happened?"

His gaze flickered towards me, a mixture of frustration and resignation clouding his eyes. He hesitates for a moment, wrestling with his emotions before finally speaking. "We had a stupid argument," Dakota admits, his voiced strained with emotion. "I just.. I don't get why she has to be friends with all of you."

"Dakota, I know you care about Emerson," I say softly. "But maybe there is more going on here than meets the eye. Why does it bother you so much that she's friends with us?"

"I don't know," Dakota murmurs, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I guess I just worry that you all will prefer her company over mine."

"Dakota, we all love you, even when you're an asshole. We would never replace you." I said, squeezing his hand.

"I don't want another situation like, Isabella." Dakota admits. "Kota, you dated Isabella. Do you like Emerson?" I question. "No! Of course not," he quickly defends. 

"Then why are you worried it will end like it did with Isabella?" I asked, confused. "I don't know, I'm done with this conversation." He said, shifting away from me. 

"What's the deal with Lily?" I asked, changing the topic. 

Dakota, still simmering from the conversation about his fight with Emerson, pauses for a moment, considering how to respond to my question. He rubs the back of his neck, his nervous habit.

"Uh, Lily?" he stammers, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape route. I notice his discomfort and soften my tone. "Sorry if it's a weird time to ask, but I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with her lately. Are you guys, like, dating or something?"

Dakota sighs, realizing he can't avoid the question. "It's.. complicated," he finally admits, choosing his words carefully. "We've been hanging out more. She's... she's a good friend, you know?"

I nod, sensing there's more to the story but deciding not to press further for now. "Got it," I said with a supportive smile. "Well, just remember I'm here if you ever want to talk about it."

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