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Meeting Haymitch


The moment she boarded the train, Lynnette made her way straight to the car she sat in earlier that day. Choosing to make a stop in the car she always claimed as her own before meeting up with her Aunt, Peeta, and Katniss.

The section of the train had the largest widows and a small kitchenette nestled in the corner. Instead of being stocked with whiskey and various alcohol, the bar held all her favorite seltzers, sodas, and fizzing juices.

She had rushed back to change her dress before her Aunt could see the condition it was now in. There was a large, muddy stain on the front of the skirt near her knees from when she snuck off to speak to Prim.

By the time she made it back up the length of the train, Haymitch was sat, bottle in hand, talking to the tributes. The man, as always, looked disinterested in whatever was being said and bored of the company surrounding the table. Peeta, bless him, was trying his best to get questions answered by the victor.

The boy leaned forward, "You're our mentor" he enunciated, he tried to say that already and wasn't too thrilled to have to repeat himself, "You're supposed to tell us how to get sponsors and give us advice."

"Good luck with that" Lynn scoffed under her breath, approaching the back of the couch and standing between Katniss and Peeta.

"Oh, ok." the man patronized, looking up to the ceiling "Umm- let me see..." his eyes suddenly lit up like he came up with the most terrific advice.

Peeta, straightened as well, believing he'd made a breakthrough. Lynnette knew better, she knew the man had just come up with the most snarky and nihilistic to say.

"Embrace the probability of your imminent death. And know, in your heart, that there is nothing I can do to save you." He proclaimed, faux integrity and care lathered on his words. 

Peeta deflated and Katniss inflated.

Lynnette took note of this, Peeta would be a good marketing personality for the pair, being the one to test the waters out first. Katniss, was usually silent, analyzing the details while he spoke, exploding on instinct and anger when Peeta's approach failed. She was the fire.

The brunette spoke, eyes ablaze, "So why are you here then?"

"The refreshments" Haymitch deadpanned, gesturing to the glass in his grip. 

A small exchange with Katniss was all it took for Haymitch to stalk out of the room, glass in hand, leaving the three teens alone in the car.

Once the door shut behind the blonde man, Lynn spoke up, bringing the two's attention to her. "And as for sponsors" she spoke cheerfully with a wink, "you can leave that to me."

Large, puppy dog eyes turned to face her, "But- but Haymitch just said-"

She smiled at the boy with perfectly straight, white teeth on display, "Oh, never mind what that old drunk says." she reached out patting his head, "He can hardly remember which way is up or down most days."

Neither of the two before her spoke, it was clear they were beginning to worry.

If Haymitch, someone who'd already been through the games didn't believe they had a chance... maybe they truly didn't have a chance at all.

"We have to get him to help us" Peeta spoke slowly, gathering his courage as he began to stand up, "He's gonna come around."

Lynn rolled her eyes, ready to speak up but Katniss beat her to it, taking the words right out of her mouth. "What? It's no use!"

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