𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓.

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Author's PovEvery since Jorja first checked out 'The Red Room' that day, she felt an irresistible pull to return again and again

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Author's Pov
Every since Jorja first checked out 'The Red Room' that day, she felt an irresistible pull to return again and again. Her primary motivation? To catch a mere glimpse of this infamous Candy.

Alas, much to her disappointment, the woman has not graced the stage since that fateful day. Determined, Jorja has taken it upon herself to make every effort to attend the club every Friday night after her long shifts at the diner, in hopes of Candy performing.

Whenever Candy was to make her return, Jorja couldn't help but feel a twinge of uselessness. The 19-year-old girl didn't exactly have the money to shower upon Candy like she observed the others closer to the stage doing.

On the bright side, Jorja struck up a friendship with the bartender. Even though he was older, he was incredibly kind and welcoming to Jorja. They hadn't really spoken outside of the club, but Jorja was always happy to chat with him whenever she visited the club.

It was an extremely busy Friday afternoon at the diner. Every time she looked up, the door bell chimed, signifying that there were more customers coming in. Jorja didn't complain much tho, or at all for that matter.

One of the customers, a man with a scowl on his face, called out, "Yo, waitress! I've been waiting for my food for fucking centuries! What the hell is taking so long?"

Jorja approached his table, trying to maintaining her calm demeanor. "I-I apologize for the wait. Our kitchen is working hard to prepare your meals. Your order will be out as soon as possible."

The dude just huffed, clearly not thrilled with Jorja's response. "This shit better be worth the wait with how long y'all taking. Make sure my steak is cooked well done— oh and get me a refill!" He said.

Jorja nodded, clearly frustrated, and mentally noted his request. "No worries, sir. Your steak will be cooked just the way you like it. I'll be right back with that refill."

As she walked away, Jorja couldn't help but feel a bit irritated by the encounter. However, she knew that staying composed was key to handling difficult customers. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that not everyone would be pleasant to deal with.

The more Jorja thought about it, the more she realized that the man seemed oddly familiar. It suddenly clicked in her mind - he was the same guy Ebony was with during her last visit to the diner. Jorja couldn't help but wonder why Ebony wasn't with him today.

Jorja didn't have much time to dwell on it since the diner was super crowded and she had a ton of orders to take and people to serve. She decided to set it aside for now and think about it later.

Jorja approached the man's table with a polite smile. "Here's your steak, cooked well done," she said, placing the sizzling plate in front of him. "And here's your sweet tea refill. Enjoy!"

"Damn! it's about time. I almost went to sleep in this bitch." The man says, chuckling before pulling out his utensils to begin eating his freshly cooked steak.

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