𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟑.

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Author's PovJorja and Ebony perched anxiously in the sterile chill of the doctor's office, a visble sense of anticipation charging the air

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Author's Pov
Jorja and Ebony perched anxiously in the sterile chill of the doctor's office, a visble sense of anticipation charging the air. Jorja's leg trembled rapidly, betraying her 'calamity' about the day's appointment. Ebony, carrying the pregnancy, was undoubtedly anxious as well, yet she managed to contain her unease, presenting a calm exterior as Jorja was consumed by her nervousness.

Ebony observed Jorja's nervous state and reached out, her hand enveloping Jorja's in a comforting grip. "You seem like you're about to puke in any given moment now," Ebony remarked with a light chuckle, her fingers gently playing with the ring on Jorja's finger. It had become a soothing gesture for Ebony, especially given the allure of their matching wedding bands.

"Like you've been doing all morning?" Jorja scoffed, casting Ebony an ironic glance. Ebony had surrendered to morning sickness, an unwelcome symptom of her pregnancy. She absolutely despised the biter aftertaste that lingered on her tongue, yet it served as a potent reminder of the miraculous journey ahead—carrying Jorja's child.

Ebony pulled her hand back sharply, her eyes narrowing at her wife. "You said that it doesn't bother you, Jorja!" she retorted, arms folded defensively across her chest, visibly offended by Jorja's comment as she shifted to a seat further away.

"It doesn't, woman. Now stop being so dramatic and come back," Jorja laughed, reaching out to encircle Ebony's waist, gently coaxing her back to the adjacent seat. Ebony heaved a sigh but remained seated. Jorja maintained her embrace, her hands slipping beneath Ebony's shirt to gently caress her stomach.

"I can't wait until our baby bump grows," Jorja whispered, her gaze sealed on Ebony's stomach, even thought it was concealed beneath the loose fabric of her oversized tee.

Ebony hummed, leaning her head on Jorja's shoulder, "I know."

A stern knock echoed through the room, causing both Ebony and Jorja to recognize the arrival of the doctor for their ultrasound appointment. As the door swung open, they were greeted by the presence of the physician, an older black woman who seemed to be in her early fifties. Ebony felt a wave of relief wash over her, grateful that the doctor shared their background, knowing the challenges that black women often faced in pregnancy clinics.

"Good afternoon, My name is Dr. Raven. I hope you're both feeling well today," the doctor greeted warmly, her voice carrying a blend of professionalism and empathy. "Shall we begin the ultrasound?"

Both Ebony and Jorja enthusiastically nodded, and Ebony rose from her seat, handing her things to Jorja. Dr. Raven exclaimed, "You can take a seat right up here, and we'll start the scanning procedure!" Ebony glanced nervously at Jorja, who immediately gave her a reassuring thumbs-up.

Ebony had experienced this process before, but she still felt nervous about going through it again. Dr. Raven, with a smile on her face, asked, "Would I be correct to assume that you two are a couple?" She then put on a fresh pair of blue gloves for each hand before starting the ultrasound. Meanwhile, Ebony laid down on the less-than-comfortable bed.

"Yes, ma'am! We're actually married," Ebony proudly declared, waving her wedding ring finger in the air.

"Wow, congratulations to you both! Now, don't worry, this won't hurt at all, but it might feel really chilly on your skin. Could you lift your shirt a bit so I can place it there for the scan?" Dr. Raven explained. Ebony mentally braced herself for the sensation she hadn't experienced in years before lifting her shirt.

Jorja eagerly rose from her seat, leaning in closer with a gentle smile on her face. Her eyes darted between the small screen and Ebony. Dr. Raven applied the chilly gel to Ebony's stomach, causing her to flinch at the sudden sensation with no warning. Jorja hesitated, unsure whether to hold Ebony's hands. The doctor assured her it wouldn't be painful, though Ebony seemed more uncomfortable than anything.

"A-are you alright? Do you some water or anything?" Jorja inquired, unable to shake the feeling of uncertainty about whether Ebony was in discomfort.

"I'm fine, baby. It's just real cold"

Jorja let out a breath of relief and continued on rubbing small circles on the back of Ebony's hand to comfort her even though she made clear her uncomfortable expression weren't because of pain, but because of it being cold. "Look right there, that's your little one!" Dr. Raven exclaimed, pointing at the flickering image on the ultrasound screen.

"Oh my goodness" Jorja and Ebony both said in sync. Jorja felt as if she were going to pass out in any moment as she kept her eyes glued to the screen where they could see the little fetus.

Ebony's grin was unwavering until she caught a fleeting glimpse of Dr. Raven, whose brows knitted together in concentration. As the doctor maneuvered the transducer across Ebony's abdomen, her eyes darted between the monitor and Ebony's skin. A frisson of anxiety coursed through Ebony; her heart sank with a flurry of worrisome thoughts, fearing that something might be wrong with her or the baby.

"I-is everything alright, Doctor?" Ebony asked, her nerves escalating as Dr. Raven remained silent, her focus fixed on the screen. Without delay, Dr. Raven swiftly drew the adjustable screen closer, allowing all three of them to peer at it together.

"May I ask you what names that you're planning on naming your child if you'd picked it out already?" Dr. Raven suddenly asked, her gaze flickering back and forth between Jorja and Ebony. Ebony furrowed her eyebrow at the question, but nonetheless she answered, in attempt to not be rude.

"Aurora if it's a girl and Isaiah if it's a boy."

Dr. Raven seemed pleased with the response as she gestured towards the screen, maneuvering the computer to display different angles. "That's fantastic, because you're going to need not just one, but two for your little ones!" she exclaimed, pointing to the second fetus right beside the one they had seen earlier.

"You're having twins!"

Hiiiii!! 🫶🏽

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