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Jorja's Pov"I'm not sure, Ebony

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Jorja's Pov
"I'm not sure, Ebony... I think it might be painful," I said, scratching my head, chuckling nervously as we chatted on FaceTime. Ebony mentioned to me that she was considering getting her nipples pierced.

We were currently debating whether it would be an painful experience or not. Since I've never had anything pierced besides my ears, I wasn't too sure about it.

Initially, I was quite surprised when the conversation suddenly shifted towards the subject of nipple piercings. However, as the discussion continued, I gradually became more comfortable and ended up contributing my thoughts and opinions to the conversation.

Ebony was lost in thought as she lounged in her plush velvet vanity chair, her eyes fixed on her reflection in the mirror. She let out a heavy sigh and turned her gaze towards me.

"You think so?" she asked, her eyes reflecting a mix of desire and doubt. "I'm dying to have them, but I'm not sure if I can handle the pain." she continued.

"I think you should just go ahead and get the nipple piercings, Ebony," I said, shrugging as I took a sip of my streaming hot tea.

A mischievous smile formed on Ebony's face as she arched her eyebrow. "You're in such a hurry to see the aftermath, aren't you?" she teased, tilting her head to the side, her bouncy curls adding to her playful demeanor.

My eyes widened in shock, and I couldn't help but let out a series of coughs as I started choking on the hot tea. I ended up spilling it all over my lap, and the pain made me hiss in distress. I quickly stood up from my seat, trying to alleviate the discomfort.

"Jorja! What happened?" Ebony exclaimed over the phone, her voice laced with concern and worry.

"You," I murmured under my breath, making sure my words were barely audible, as I reached for the hand towel hanging on the side of the oven.

"What'd you say?" Ebony asked, her brow furrowing as a small smile played on my lips. I assured her that I hadn't uttered a word. After tidying up the mess, I settled back into the chair, propping my phone up on the table. I observed Ebony as she continued to scroll on her pink iPad.

I was almost 110% sure she was looking for nipple piercing inspiration...

I was desperate to ask Ebony about yesterday when she kissed me. I couldn't understand its significance or her motive. After clearing my throat and mentally preparing myself, I finally found the courage to speak up.

"Ebony.. Can I ask you a question?"

Without glancing in my direction, Ebony continued to scroll through her iPad. I could feel my frustration mounting as I yearned for her undivided attention. "Shoot!" she exclaimed.

"Would you just look at me for a second!" I suddenly blurted out, feeling the blush of embarrassment warm my cheeks. Ebony lowered her iPad, her eyes widening at my unexpected plea. At least she's acknowledging my presence now.

"Ebony, why did you kiss me yesterday?" I murmured, fidgeting with my fingers as I awaited her response. Ebony gazed at me with an inscrutable expression on her face. Ebony scoffed and resumed scrolling through her iPad. "Because you were upset with me, plus you enjoyed it," she remarked, winking at me.

I stood frozen as the woman effortlessly discerned my thoughts, as if I were an open book before her.

"Cat got your tongue now, hm?" Ebony quipped, a chuckle escaping her as she leaned her head into the palm of her hands. I shook my head in embarrassment and mumbled a soft 'no."

It felt as though Ebony held all the power in the world over me. She had an uncanny ability to render me speechless, leaving me filled with nervousness and embarrassment.

Call me weird but I oddly enjoyed it...

Ebony then turned her iPad toward me, presenting the screen. I tilted my head in confusion, squinting in an attempt to read the text, as I was without my glasses at the moment. "Ebony, I can't see that—bring it closer," I requested.

"It says I booked the appointment for tomorrow to get the piercings," she said, smiling broadly. I widened my eyes and regarded her as if she were out of her mind. "Tomorrow?!" I exclaimed in surprise.

As Ebony parted her lips to speak, a ringing sound echoed from the background of her home. In an instant, she sprang from her vanity set and retrieved her phone from its place. "Someone's at the door," she announced, hastening down the stairs.

I sat in silence, anticipating her revelation about who was at the door. Ebony peered through her peephole and then unlatched the door. I watched as she stooped to retrieve what appeared to be a package from the ground.

"It's a package," she confirmed. I nodded slowly, awaiting her to open it. She then strode over to a drawer, retrieved a box cutter, and settled down to slice open the box. As she did, I observed her expression shift from a flat expression to a small, knowing smirk.

Since she opened the package further away from the camera, I couldn't see what she was smiling at, so I felt confused. "What? Why are you looking like that?" I asked.

"It's my new stage outfit!" She exclaimed, brimming with excitement. "Oh my gosh! It's going to look so cute with the piercings too," she continued, casting a longing gaze at the outfit that I had yet to see.

It seemed like she was trying not to show it to me on purpose.

I could feel my stomach churn at the thought of her flaunting her "new look" to the people at The Red Room. The sensation was unfamiliar... was it jealousy?

I mustered a forced smile and endeavored to mask my discomfort, choosing to maintain my silence. A sense of disappointment washed over me as I realized I wouldn't be able to see her at the club. I was scheduled to close up the diner tomorrow, and I knew Ebony had a specific time for her performances.

Ever since I met Ebony, I had been overwhelmed by unfamiliar emotions. Before long, I ceased resisting these feelings and allowed them to consume me. It became nearly impossible for me to ignore them.

After a while, our conversation gradually became awkward. I knew I was at fault, but I couldn't help it.

"Ebony, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay. I-I have to get up early tomorrow morning for work. Good night," I stammered, avoiding eye contact with Ebony and glancing elsewhere.

I could sense the uncertainty in Ebony's voice as I stole a glance at her, observing the furrowed eyebrows. "Good night?" she asked, glancing at what I presumed to be a clock on the wall. "Why are you going to bed so early? It's only 6:30," she remarked.

I scratched the back of my head and swallowed hard. "Um, I'm just feeling a bit tired," I murmured. Ebony twisted her face in confusion and began to say, "but w—" before I cut her off by bidding her good night.

I let out a deep sigh of relief tinged with irritation and slammed my phone down on the table. I then buried my head in my hands and scolded myself.

"What is wrong with you?!"

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