𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔.

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Author's PovThe air was thick with the scent of gunpowder as Jorja and Ebony stepped into the shooting range, a place where the echoes of fired rounds played a relentless symphony

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Author's Pov
The air was thick with the scent of gunpowder as Jorja and Ebony stepped into the shooting range, a place where the echoes of fired rounds played a relentless symphony. Jorja carefully adjusted the red headphones, ensuring a snug fit to muffle the sharp reports of the firearms, keeping her ears comfortably protected from the noise.

The shooting range stirred up one of the many early encounters between the two women. It was the day Jorja mustered her courage, edging closer to the club's stage for a better view of Ebony, only to end up ducking under a table when the club suddenly erupted in being gunned down.

Ebony positioned herself just behind, aligning her stance with Jorja's as she gently guided her hands on the grip of the firearm. Together, they focused intently, synchronizing their movements to achieve the ideal shot.

Sensing the shot was about to be fired, as Ebony's grip intensified on their interlocked hands, Jorja clenched her eyes shut in fear, bracing for the gun's report. Ebony noticed her tension and relaxed her hold on the gun, shouting above the noise, "You have to keep your eye on the bullseye. Just breathe!" hoping her voice would pierce through the headphones to reach Jorja.

Ebony was no stranger to holding a gun. Although she hadn't used it for a while, her aim was still decent, and she knew the rules that came with handling firearms. As a black woman working the night shift at a strip club, Ebony was aware of the potential danger that came with the job. To feel safe and protected, she obtained her gun license as soon as she met the required age.

Jorja exhaled deeply and nodded with determination, "Okay, I'm ready!" she declared, her grip firm on the chilly metal of the pistol. Ebony cast a final, confirming glance her way, ensuring her readiness. Together, they positioned their index fingers on the triggers and, with a steady pull, the sharp report of gunfire echoed in their ears.

The atmosphere grew dense, laced with the unpleasant scent of gunpowder from the discharged firearm. The women lowered their hands to assess the bullseye, discovering their shots were near misses—close, yet not on the mark. This near success only fueled Jorja's resolve to nail the target, this time with her sights set on a headshot on the target.

"I'm willing for another go, this time taking a shot at the head," Jorja slightly shouted, a determined look in her eye, leaning in toward Ebony to ensure her words cut through the ripple of gunfire around them.

Ebony laughed softly at the intense determination etched on her girlfriend's face and agreed, extracting her phone to capture Jorja's precision. "Alright, keep your trigger finger steady, no slip-ups!" Ebony cautioned with a grin.

As Jorja lined up her first solo shot, the world seemed to hold its breath. She squeezed the trigger, and the resulting bang was a shockwave through her system. With focus, Jorja steadied her breath, aligned her sights, and squeezed the trigger, nailing a perfect bullseye shot through the head on her target.

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