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Five Months later

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Five Months later

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯
The two women were thriving in their own ways. Ebony's nail business had taken off, with more customers booking her every time she turned around. She had been considering dropping the Club, but it wasn't an official idea yet.

She had saved enough money from the club to open up her own salon, but she wasn't going to rush things. She would wait for the right time. Whenever that time came, she knew Jorja would be there to support her.

Jorja finally gathered the courage to leave her job at a restaurant with the help of her girlfriend, Ebony. She is now working at a daycare. While some may think it's crazy to leave the restaurant scene for a job that involves working with crying babies all day, for Jorja, it's the complete opposite. Despite the occasional challenge of dealing with overactive children, she loves working with kids.

Jorja opened up a bank account to save up for a car. She had taken her driving license test and passed on the first try. To others, it may not seem like a big deal, but to her, it was a great accomplishment that reminded her of how independent she was becoming.

The daycare where Jorja worked was a bit far from her home and Ebony's too. She realized it was time to put on her big girl panties and get a car. And that's exactly what she did. Now she's cruising around in a 2018 Honda Accord Sport. It took her some time to get used to driving and it made her a bit anxious, but she's getting the hang of it.

Jorja and Ebony had been attending couples therapy sessions every other week. Initially, Jorja was hesitant about the idea, but Ebony convinced her to give it a try. For Jorja, the idea of confiding in a stranger about her personal life and emotions was daunting.

However, as the sessions progressed, she began to feel more comfortable and realized the benefits of having a neutral party to facilitate their communication. The therapy sessions provided a safe space for Jorja and Ebony to discuss their concerns and feelings with each other, ultimately strengthening their relationship.

Nothing in this relationship had taken the bad road, but the both of the girls were damaged in their own personal way. Ebony believed that it would be good for them to go to therapy so their personal hurt wouldn't affect their relationship in the long run.

"Soléigh, Honey, isn't your mother supposed to pick you up today? You're the last child here," Jorja asked the little black girl with concern as she squatted down in front of her, worry etched over her face. Some days, Soléigh would take the bus home, and sometimes she would get picked up by her mother.

Jorja had never actually met Soléigh's mother in person, but she had spoken to her over the phone before.

The young girl gave an affirming nod, her twin pigtails swaying in sync as she clutched the straps of her petite backpack over her shoulder. Soléigh was a delightful 6-year-old, brimming with sweetness. Jorja adored her; she had a way with words that was remarkably advanced for her age.

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