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Bonus Track: Cranes in the Sky- Solange🎶🎧

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Bonus Track: Cranes in the Sky- Solange🎶🎧

Author's Pov
Solèigh sat comfortably on the floor, nestled between Ebony's legs in the living room while Friday played, bringing Craig and Smokie's antics to life. From a bucket brimming with haircare treasures—bows, combs, and gels. Ebony selected a rat tail comb, gently parting Solèigh's thick 4c hair, prepping for her bohemian knotless.

Ebony delicately dipped her finger into the cool gel, gently gliding it across Solèigh's scalp. The chilly sensation made Solèigh shiver, prompting Ebony to chuckle, "Is it cold?" she asked.

Solèigh giggled as she nodded, "Just a little bit," she admitted, tipping her head down for Ebony to continue her artistry. Considering they'd be around water, bohemian braids were an ideal choice. The attached curls would naturally spring into their pattern once they hit the water.

Certainly, it was somewhat late for hairstyling given the early morning call at 7:15 am. Thankfully, Ebony had completed half of Solèigh's hairstyle the previous day, and was now adeptly finishing up the remainder.

Ebony cherished these simple moments. Becoming a mother figure to a young girl, especially a little black girl, was a true blessing. Sharing her culture with a girl who reminded her of herself was a precious gift. The art of braiding, the entire process, the reactions afterwards, the scent and refreshing feel of the gel, and all the bows and ribbons made her feel deeply connected to her culture.

Being black was like having a precious gem, a priceless gift.

She wanted to raise her kids differently from how she were raised, giving them a strong connection to their heritage, peace of mind, and self-happiness. One method of embodying those traits could be through changing it with your hair.

All three of the girls had matching hair for their vacation to Bali early the next morning. Jorja managed to get an amazing rental villa in Bali and first-class tickets, all with the goal of creating an unforgettable experience for herself and her family.

Preparing for their adventure, they updated their wardrobe with new clothes, manicured nails, new hairstyles, and new shoes, embracing a complete makeover.

Ebony's motto was simple: when you look good, you feel good.

Yesterday, Ebony and Jorja updated their passport photos and also secured an official one for Solèigh. As they're not yet her legal guardians, Jorja informed the daycare director about their upcoming international vacation.

"Are you guys sure you've packed all your essentials in your luggage? I'm about to place them near the door," Jorja called down from above, her voice tinged with a hint of anxiety. It was her third reminder to Ebony and Solèigh, driven by the worry of forgetting something important once they've crossed international borders.

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