"confession" // skateshot

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Yahoo skateshot fluff ! Requesteddd byyyyyy... Me :3 let the gays be together ! <3


third person pov:


skateboard slams the digital alarm clock while breathing heavily, he broke them for the fifth time this month. He got up and almost stepped on the broken protection glass on the floor. It's his third time this month breaking another alarm, it's supposedly sunday, the 19th, he scratches his head and yawns slightly. skateboard glances at the now shattered alarm, the glass shards on the floor luckily didn't stabbed through the calico cats striped socks slingshot gave it to him last summer'

"Oh come on.. phighting sake..."

'skateboard just swept the small shards of glasses away with his feet and picks up the supposedly LED alarm that appeared to .. doesn't work anymore.'

'Skateboard lazily stood up and walk to the bathroom until he realized, the clock on the wall. he almost absolutely let out a batshit insane scream. Hes going on a "platonic date"  with his best friend today in a cat cafe a block away from his rented condo'

(Time skip meoeoeooooooooow )

'skateboard put his favourite 'femboy enjoyer ↑' screen-printed shirt slingshot gave him a while ago, he puts on some sweet cologne that  slingshot won't probably even care about but he wanted to smells good for his "best friend" anyways. Skate applies hair gel on and even gets some good perfume in preparation for this random hangout as he grab his favorite baseball cap, and a leather sidebag along with him.'

" Fuck... He won't even care about this shit what am I even doing.."

'skateboard mumbled to himself before running out the condo he's in and  finds his bike .. (oh surprise it's fucking stolen who the FUCK FORGOT TO PUT A FUCKING LOCK ON WHEN THERES A FREE FUCKING BIKE PARKING LOT ON THE COMPLEX. SKATEBOARD YOU DUMBFUCK) it's gone, but he couldn't care less. He just deadass walks to the nearest bus stop and waits for them to finally arrive'
(Timeskip , I'm a cunt I'm sorry)
'hes Infront of the cafe, heart feels like he's gonna throbbed out of his ribcage, he grips his shirt before looking around the corner 'is .. slingshot here yet? What if he forge-''


'slingshot came from behind and tagged him, almost made skateboard absolutely lost his balance but he plays it off. They chit-chat for a while as soon as they get into the cat cafe, yip-yapping about the phestival, maybe the gossips they heard this week, all the normal friendsies conversation stuff, but skate mostly is just zoned out by how slingshot looks, he was hiding his blush with the drinks they ordered from time to time. Slingshot was wearing his sweater, a red knitted cardigan skate once forgot it (on purpose) at slingshot's apartment but he have kept it to himself ever since, his baggy rainbow striped pants , the sneakers with alot of charms on them and, how slingshot smells just blowns him away from a solid minute'

"HEYYY!!! hey!! Are you alright man, you zapped out alot , ya feeling woozy or anything?”

" oh I.. sorry.. I was.. "

'skateboard feels like he's hypnotized in some sort by how slingshot looks , he was blushing heavily without realizing for a moment before he shook his head and finally remembered they are in a cat cafe. He picked up a random clingy cat to try to distract the conversation by how awkward previously it is and , it worked'

'they turned the tables of the conversation around to just watching slingshot being madly obsessed with all the cats in the cafe, he's like a magnet for cats considering how there 6 different cats on his body and almost the entire cafe's cat were swarming him. Skateboard just chuckles to himself by how cute it is . And then almost an hour went by .. they are now in the cafe corner, giggling and playing with the silly cats around them while skateboard were just , trying his best to make a small move somehow but always got nervous and just, goes on to be quieter and quieter until he's just, sitting in slience and slingshot notice that immediately'
"Uh.. skate? Are you.. okay? You've been reallllllyyyy quiet throughout this.. Are you bored or, anything? Nervous? Awkward? We can.. end this earl-"

'skateboard suddenly takes a tight grip of slingshot's hand, squeezing it while blushing heavily, he was just so nervous. Despite them being incredibly close and, mostly to an extent they seem like, a really cheesy lover in everybody else's eyes . skateboard is genuinely scared to admit that he , does have feelings for slingshot, it's not just a 'homie' thing he's just madly inlove'

"Sling can we .. go to the nearby park for a second?. I know it's just really awkward for us but we can check in the cafe later, I mean, we did bought a 3 hours package for the cafe did we?"

'slingshot had a small blush on his face as he smiles a little, which kinds of made the gay panic feeling rises.'

'they walked around the park as they find a bench to just sat down and talked a little , the park were really quiet. Almost no one visibly even walking by'

"I think I kinda have a .. "

'skateboard couldn't take himself to say it, he was visibly just blushing and stuttering , he can't even forms a cohesive sentence with his deep rooted fear of ruining the relationship between them. He started tearing up slightly without realizing'

"Dude are you, okay? It's okay if you need a break, did anything happened to made you feel a little down? Nervous? Scared, anxious? We can-"

"I like you ..romantically"


'the park is now abnormally slience, the street around them seems quieter, the sweet lovebirds fuckers just glared at each other, still holding each other hands, sweating profusely while slingshot was just, visibly, grinning. Skateboard were just, nervous, his heart beat almost slightly can be heard. He kept gripping slingshot hands in slience, looking down on his lap'

"I, love you too actually skate"

'skateboard jumped, as they look at each other with a heavy blushes on their face, skateboard were just, speechless as slingshot gets a little closer until their shoulder touches each other by the side. He holds skateboard's hand and put it on his lap , before suddenly leaning on him and gave him a peck on his cheeks'

"Sling I.. are you sure you  think that wa-"

'slingshot leans in for a mouth to mouth kiss , skateboard were just breathing heavily , hugging slingshot as he were just way too relieved his "best friend" now possibly boyfriend felt the same'

1138 words ! Woohoo!

( PS : this was written at like 2 am on Monday so shout out to random notes with how high I am )

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