" tea time " // hypertana

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Requested by WhirlingDrago48 !!
Depressed gays turning happy after a tea party. My favorite..

Hyperlaser is cuddling with his cat, princess . Softly stroking her fur and rubbing her horns. As his phone suddenly got a notification.
"..please don't be subspace."
He looked around as he picked up his phone from his messy desk. Bread crumbs,, traces of a ketchup stain, his computer that have been booting up for probably more than 9 hours. As a heavy fan buzzing noise covers the room.
New message from 'my love ❤️'

Hyperlaser's eye widened , hurriedly clicking the message. As he smiled under his helmet. Despite being in the safety and privacy of his own apartment, that at least his company have some sympathy so he have a pretty clean, cool calming working space and also as a home. He felt anxious to even take off his helmet, even in the shower.
Katana : 'love, are you free today?'
Hyperlaser: 'ofcourse.. it's Saturday :)'
Katana : well.. mayhaps if you want to come over today? Our fraction seems pretty calm today. At least I hope it stays that way for another day.
Hyperlaser : I do hope too, anyways do you want me to come right now or?
Katana : I never want to interrupt or making unnecessary burdensome requests. you can come whenever you could if it does not inconvenience you.
Hyperlaser : no need to apologise.. aside that I'm free right now soo see you later hon
Katana : you don't have to hurry okay? I'll be patient until you arrives.
Hyperlaser :  ' see you ❤️ '

Hyperlaser softly giggles to himself as he put his phone down, princess meowed as he think to himself for a while, suddenly grabbing a small cat travel bag, as he left it open and laid on the bed sheets when he gets dressed up. Waiting for princess to get comfortable so she can crawl in there while being nice and comfy. hyperlaser walked to his closet as he grab his BIG COOL RADICAL MASSIVE FUCKING HYPERLASER GUN AWWRRRROOOOO as he put it in his strap. Laying it on his messy bed as he changes his clothes to a tank top and leather jacket with Gun N' Roses logo printed on the back, as well as ripped black jeans. And a black leather glove with finger holes. He looked back at princess as she's now comfortably laying in the cat travel bag, he reaches his hand in as he pats her. Zipping up the bag. Putting his COOL ASS HYPERLASER 3000 FAT FUCKING GUN on his back as he leaves his apartment.
He walked to the train station as he felt eyes on him like always, just with slightly different approach. They never saw him with his cat before as he swore he heard a few 'aweeee..' and few people taking photos but he couldn't careless as he bought the tickets to thief's den and hopped on the train.

Hyperlaser walked around as he looked at kids playing near by. Small childish carved bamboo swords. As they make little chhhinnk!! Ssscrrttcch!! sound. He can't help but adores how childish it feels. And quietly wish he could play like this too when he was younger. He took out a pack of cigarettes as he light them. Blowing a puff of smoke on the side as he hurriedly walk to katana's house.

He stopped as he arrived. The huge Sakura tree is blooming near the gate, the fresh breath of wind flushes through as small petals of flowers fall. The huge omoya/shu-oku (main house) feels quite calm. The house being decorated in shoin zukuri style, as he walked. He sees small teru teru bozu. Katana mentioned few weeks back that it's made from traditions. The belief , the dolls is made from white paper or cloth. Hanging beautifully by the arch of his home. It's painted to resembles katana's mask and hyperlaser's head. As he can't help but has a small blush on his face as he walks pass it. Talking off his shoes when he he heard foot steps from inside the house. As he wait for a bit before katana slides the wooden door open.
" Darling.. you are here.."
Katana pulled hyperlaser to a hug as they walked inside. Hyperlaser looked around before sighing loudly. Quietly taking his helmet off and place it on the small chabudai. The pretty and exquisitely sewen and stylised cloth that covers the table. The silk fabric is always nice to touch.
" Your house is quite more tidy than usual.. not saying it was dirty before but...it look so, nice.. like a newly opened present "
"I appreciate the compliment, darling"
Katana and hyperlaser sat down on the zabuton. As they kissed. Hyperlaser uses his hand to patted katana as they embraces each other in a siting position.
"So, what excites you so much to bring me over today?"
"..I wanted to make traditional tea.. and want you to try to taste them"
Katana suddenly got up as he pulled hyperlaser by his hand, into the kitchen part leading to the backyard.
"My cha leaves is finally enough for the process.."
He pointed as he picked up a small sewen bamboo threads basket. As he gently collect every single leaves on the small shrub, as hyperlaser watches closely. If feels abit odd and out of character for katana to be this cheerful and excited, but quite adorable in other senses.
As he watches katana pick up all the leaves, he snuggled up on katana's arm. As they walked back inside
"We have to steam up the leaves in a pot, then rolled into narrow needles and dried in an oven, but it's quite sunny today so just putting it on a small metal pan and wait would be fine "

He said as he pick up pots from a hanger, attached to the wall, turning the faucet as he fill the the pot with water, as he placed the pot on a small hanger. Above a clutch of dried wood. He then lit up the fire and wait.
" It's pretty windy today,"
Hyperlaser said as he leaned his head on katana's shoulder. Looking at the fire before them, as the wood makes small cracking sounds. The pot slowly and surely boiled up.
" I agree,"
Katana responded as he uses his hand to caress hyperlaser's arms, patting him along the way.
"The water's boiled now.."
Katana sat up again as he put the leaves in the basket beside them in the pot. The water bubbles up again as they do so.
After several minutes and then falling asleep for a bit, they suddenly jolted awake after cuddling in each other arms, as the water slightly overflowed. Katana panicked as he put out the fire. Panting as he checked the pot. The water is slightly green as alot of leaves is all reduced to liquid. Which in this state it's not as tasty.
" God dammit.."
Katana slowly drains out the water, leaving only some of the sopping leaves on the strainer.
"It's okay , katana"
Hyperlaser patted his frustrated lover as they took a little while to calm down. his pet owl prince suddenly flew and got on his shoulder. Preening his feather as they do so
"Worried about your owner I see.. he's fine, prince."
Hyperlaser uses his hand to softly patted and scratches under the owl's chin. As it firstly nibbles on his finger slightly before slowly snuggling on hyperlaser's finger. Making little cooing sound
"He's...never been this affectionate to anyone beside me before"
"I guess animal likes me, heh"

They chuckles as hyperlaser and katana continues watching as the strainer that sat on the pot's edges drips water.
"..can I try to taste that?"
".....it's not gonna be as tasty if yo-"
Hyperlaser suddenly grabbed the pot and chugged down a little. The pot is hopefully only slightly warm. But katana still flinched nonetheless as hyperlaser wiped his mouth
"...this is actually nice"
"Are you.. sure..?"
"..I feel like we didn't even need the dried and roasted part, this is amazing!!"
Hyperlaser smiled as he walked to grab a small yunomi tea cup as he poured some of the water out. Making katana taste them.
"This is..quite exquisite actually,"
Katana exclaimed as he finished the whole cup , placing it aside as he does so.
"I guess we never needed the drying roasting part, do we?"
"I mean.. it is quite sunny today and the tea leaves felt a little more flaky than usual."
"I liked the tea katana, thanks."
Katana face flushes up from the compliment. As they pours and finishes another cup
" I love you, hyperlaser "
"I love you too katana."


1456 words, happy hypertana everyone! , next on the list is skateshot , following by hyperkitkat and medhammer :3

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