6~ The Book

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Jadamanada mouna muridu.
Bisi usirannu nee bagedu.
Nittusirannu nee tagedu.
Nannomme aavarisu.

˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Ruanika’s pov

The pretty fusion of various pastel colors was leisurely fading into dark. The birds were retiring to their nests and a titchy glimpse of the moon was visible.

A man helping his daughter -who I assume to be four or five years- to ride a bicycle came into sight, reminding me of my own dad.

He had called me last night and I talked with him for a while.

The only thing I got to know is he’s on a business trip that no one is aware of.

My phone rings, snapping me out from my thoughts of my father. It was Satvik,


“Hi,come down, to the gate.fast” he muttered and ended the call.

Couldn't he just tell me what it is on the call itself. Sighing, I made my way downstairs.

Viky was scrolling his phone, leaning against the gate.

“Yen aithu?”

(What happened?)

“I was free so I thought of taking you out for panipuri.” he says, bringing a broad smile to my lips. “That is so sweet-” before I could complete my words a ginger cat followed by Bruno ran out of Kian’s house.

“Not again.” Viky  shakes head in disapproval. When Bruno lands on the ground, I take him in my arms and start scolding him while the cat runs back inside the house

It's the 3rd time today. Ever Since Kian shifted next door, I have to encounter him everyday because of this Little ‘Bratpig’.

Speaking of the devil, Kian runs out of his gate probably searching for his stupid cat.

But right now, he is a mess. His hair unruly, strokes of mud on his white shirt, hands and pants. Nevertheless, he looks attractive as fuck.

“hi, did you guys see jello?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Making him 10x hotter. Shut up Ruani, you're supposed to hate it and him!

“Yea, It jumped back in.” Viky said, making Kian roll his eyes and curse.

“What were you even upto?” I couldn't help but ask, glancing at him head to toe.

“Ah, I was gardening.” Kian ruffled his hair.

“Planting what ?” Viky raised his brows.

“Roses. All kinds of It." His words made my breath hitch.𝘔𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦.He Looked me as he spoke, did he really plant them all because they're my favourite?

Shut the fuck up Ruani,Get out of your Delusion!

“I’ll go now. I have to lock someone up” He went back in. “Let's go?” Viky asked and I nodded.

“Go where?” We heard Kashvi's voice.

“I’m taking my sister out.” he says in a not so annoyed tone.Just then Kumar nanna joined us.

“Take Kashvi with you as well, Satvik, she's your sister too.” Kashvi's nose flared, “ Don't call me that.” She spoke quickly and I thinned my brows in confusion. So did Viky.

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