*chapter 14*

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"I bet you haven't been kissed yet"

I let out a frustrated groan before ruffling my head. Fuck Ethan for making matters worst. 

I was currently sitting on my bed, staring at the ceiling, letting my own dark thoughts drown me. It was already 5 in the afternoon and I haven't done anything but think of those stupid things. 

Daniel plus Ethan equals a massive headache.

I groaned again when my head throbbed and my heart beating rapidly.

Great, just great.

I need to drink. I've been fighting with my inner self for the past few days. I tried distracting myself with other things, I tried taking off my mind off of blood. But it's getting worst and the urge is becoming more and more strong.


I rolled off the bed, slumping down on the ground holding my stomach. My head was spinning from hunger as I tried to stand up.

I may or may not have taken this too far. I haven't drank blood for a long time, and the last time I did that, I almost got killed.

I gripped the doorknob, hands shaking and opened it. I leaned on the wall for support and took deep breaths. I just need air, yeah just air.

I kept one hand on the wall for support and frantically looked for the exit, but I only seemed to go the wrong way.

I stopped and groaned out loud. Suddenly I felt a huge wave of pain making me grip my head hard. 

"Oh my God" I let out a whimper when the room was spinning. I bit my lip from crying as I tried to even out my breathing.

My whole body was trembling and my hands were shaking so bad. My eyes were closed shut but even tho it was dark I can still feel the room spinning.

Two cold hands suddenly grabbed my arms, pulling me to God knows where. I didn't fight whoever it was since I was too weak and my head was still spinning. I only whimpered in response and bowed my head. I hate this, I hate feeling weak, I hate the way I melted into its arms since I couldn't barely walk.

Bells rang inside my head when I felt myself being pressed into a wall. Without thinking I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. The whole room was blurred and spinning making me stumble forward, it catching me.

My head was resting on its chest as I took in deep breaths.

"Ava" I have never been so glad to hear his voice. Thank the heavens, oh my God. I gripped Daniels shirt when my knees began to shake.

"You need blood-"

"No! I don't I just need some air" I argued back. One description for me is that I am one stubborn person. Even tho I can feel it I still refuse to do the right thing when I hate something.

I felt him heave out a long sigh before he grabbed my legs and carried me to who knows where, taking me by surprise. 

I didn't have time to scream when he suddenly tossed me into something soft, his bed. 

"Drink it" He tossed something squishy to me. I smelled it and I can feel my eyes darken. 


My inner battle with myself was getting harder and it took all of my strength to toss it back to him.

"N-no" I whispered.

"Are you fucking serious?" Yes.

"Drink this, now" His voice was firm and it held an edge to it, making him sound more dangerous than he already does. 

I stubbornly shook my head.

I traced my hands on his bed, trying to find his pillow. 

"Ava" He warned.

I finally found a pillow and hugged it tightly.

"God, you're so stubborn" 

"I-I just need some-" I winced when nausea hit me making me cut short my sentence.

"Just a sip" He held out the packet in front of me. I opened one eye and sighed in defeat. Just one sip, just one.

I don't really understand why I dislike blood so much, considering it's an essential to me. I just don't like it, from texture to where it came from. I try my best to cut short my intake of blood, if possible my body may get use to it and never need it. But my body seems to fight back, showing me how I badly need it.

With shaking hands, I grabbed the packet. It was cold and judging by it's smell I can tell that its fresh. The blood isn't gooey or chunky, it was fresh and runny. Best type of blood.

I opened the cap and closed my eyes when the strong smell of metallic blood hit me. I can feel myself awakening as I took a large sip from it. The cold, gooey substance went down my throat, giving me energy, waking me up. Coughing, I gave Daniel the packet. I closed my eyes, feeling the blood energize my body. 

"I still don't get it why you don't like blood" I heard Daniel mutter, sipping through the packet finishing it all, making me slightly gagged at him and stood up.

"Thank you, Daniel" I whispered blushing slightly, trying to compose myself. He raised a questioning eyebrow at me making me blush.

I took a quick glance at him, making sure that he was Daniel, not Ethan. They have the same smile, both incredibly breath taking. 

I didn't say anything, I just smiled at him. 

"Do you want a packet?" He asked, surprising me.

He is bipolar.

"No" I shook my head, declining his offer. He raised an eyebrow at me but let it slip.

"It makes me feel nauseous" I further explained.

"It has the opposite effect on me, it makes me feel strong and powerful. Making me the monster they say" His eyes shined a bright shade of red and gold making him look dangerous. 

"You know, you're not really a monster" I whispered looking away. He smiled at me but it held no emotions like it had before.

"But I am" 

"To me you're not" His eyes changed into a dark shade of red, making me bite my lip.

"What makes you so sure?" 

"Cause I'm still here" I told him, shrugging lightly. Rubbing my thighs.

"People always leave" I locked eyes with Daniel, confused. He stared back at me, his face unreadable. 

Daniel's very hard to figure out. You can't look at him and read him instantly. He's very hard to read and figure out. But one thing's for sure, he and I both know that what he said has nothing to do with what I meant.

"No I won't" I went along with him, trying to figure out where he's going with.

"Yes you will" He looked away, pinching his nose.

"Everyone does" He whispered, barely audible.

My eyes softened as I stared at him. His dangerous facade fading away, revealing a vulnerable Daniel. This is the weakest situation I've seen him in. Hell this must be the first emotion I ever saw from him besides anger and hate.

It's not the curse who made him like this. It's his past, and the people who hurt him. It wasn't entirely his fault as to why he's like this.

It's the  ones who left.

I took a step forward, placing my hand on his arm. Smiling slightly as he looked at me, I whispered back,

"I won't"

Hello everyone! This chapter is kinda short? I don't know but for me I think it's kinda short. But anyway, I really want to change this story's cover. Like the picture, you know. So if anyone's interested or wants to help me out, please dm me :)x I will give credit to you.

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment please! <3

Hugs and purple kisses to all of you lovely people mwuah mwuah! <3 :)xx

Vampire Teacher Wattys 2015 (PUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now