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I'm a bit late but WE ARE FINALLY LIVE!


*very, very intense screaming*

I'll keep this update short. Since this will probably be the last time I'll update this book regarding the launch, I just want to say another quick thank you to you guys :)

Love you all .3.

The book is already up on Amazon! So go check it out because I swear, the additional chapters will literally make you go :>

Ebook: https://amzn.to/35hlTSY

Paperback: https://amzn.to/37yshs2

Don't forget to leave a review! Let me know what you think about it by commenting here or messaging me here on Wattpad or on ig (@ mukes.bromance)

Also!! Just a little shameless plug since ya gurl is feeling frisky right now, go check out my art shop on instagram ( @studio.oneu) would very much appreciate it :> I've been doing a lot of art stuffs and I'm currently decluttering hahahaha so I'm selling some. Currently only shipping in the Philippines though but I would still very much appreciate yall checking it out :> mwapz.

Love you guys so much.

Stay safe.

See you on my next book :)

Hugs and purple kisses xx

Vampire Teacher Wattys 2015 (PUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now