*hello, pls read*

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(Please read if you have the time)

Hey guys, how have you been?

The past few days have been so... rough. To be honest I don't even know. 

I just wanted to go here and somewhat talk about what's been happening recently. I just can't stay silent anymore.

I know my platform is not much, but it's still something. I can still spread awareness through Wattpad and honestly, even if my platform here isn't that big, I would still do it. 

It's hard to imagine how it's 2020 and racism is still a thing. Like it fucking angers me how it's still a thing, like how is it even a thing? Black lives matter. Period. There's nothing else to say. Seeing the news about George Floyd, about all these black people that were killed without justice just makes me want to cry because I don't understand why. Why were these people killed, why were they treated less just because of their skin color. 

Black people are still people! They deserve what I have, what you have.


A right to live.

A right to walk free without fear.

It angers me and my heart goes out to all the black people out there. I wish I could do more, I wish I could at least hug you or join the protests but sadly, I can't. 

I know this isn't enough. I know I won't come anywhere near in understanding the pain and fear black people had to live through.

Having a different skin color doesn't make you any less or any better.

You're worth is not based on your fucking skin color, your age, your gender. 

Wake up people! Please.

We cannot turn a blind eye on this any longer. 

Do what you can. Sign petitions, donate if you can, educate yourself, spread awareness. 

It's 2020. It's time to speak up.

Enough of this, enough of racism.

Wake up! Black people are dying.

Remember their names.

Fight for equality.

To my fellow Filipinos,

I know that we are going through something scary right now and that we are forced into silence. But we have to fight back.

A country is considered powerful because of its people.

It's scary, I know. The future's unknown. But if we don't fight, then we will have nothing. We will lose our freedom of speech, our freedom to speak up.

We will not be silenced.

Do it for yourself.

Do it for your family and friends.

Do it for the next generation.

Let's fight for what is rightfully ours.

Vampire Teacher Wattys 2015 (PUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now