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Strangely, the place designated for care in the school was located in the basement, in what could be called "dungeons". To find the infirmary, they had followed arrows drawn on the walls, accompanied by a small red cross each time.

After descending about thirty steps, Lili, Ree, and Lulis had to walk down a corridor, pass by the demonology room, turn right, and finally reach a huge perfectly white door surrounded by two torches. On the door was engraved a big red cross that was impossible to miss.

When they entered the room, the whiteness of the place blinded them for a few minutes. There were no windows, but multiple candles illuminated the room. The walls were white, the furniture was white, the floor, the ceiling, the beds, the sheets... it felt like being in a real sterile hospital, it was almost... frightening!

The three friends moved forward. There was no one. Not a sound! At the back, a little further back, there was a door that certainly led to an office.

"We'd better leave," whispered Lili. "We can take care of all this ourselves with a little water."

"You're right," affirmed Lulis. "This place gives me the creeps."

But as they turned around, they came face to face with an adult man, crouching to be at their height, with black hair interspersed with strands as red as his eyes. He was dressed all in white, with a tunic open on his chest, pants, and a cape.

Ree, Lili, and Lulis let out a cry of surprise, stepping back, Lulis even fell backwards.

"Oh, it seems I scared you," remarked the man with a smile. "Sorry."

He straightened up, then bent down to reach out his hand to Lulis and help him up.

"You're pretty beaten up," he continued. "Let me guess, Madame Montlaure made you do the starting race to choose your representative."

They nodded silently. The man sighed.

"She will never change," he muttered. "I will take care of you. My name is Viktor Clawdell, I am the school nurse."

He made them sit down, first taking care to disinfect and bandage Lulis' numerous wounds, before taking care of Ree, and finally sitting down in front of Lili. In front of her, he remained silent, seeming perplexed.

"Is there a problem?" the little girl asked timidly.

"No... well... may I?"

He grabbed her right arm to observe the bites for a moment. Lili screamed when he licked one of them. Furious, it was Ree who stood up, shouting!

"You're sick!" she exclaimed. "You filthy pervert!"

Silently, Viktor turned towards Ree and stared at her.

"You defend your friends, that's very good, Miss Tant, you must get that from your father."

He finally turned to Lili with a smile.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Your blood has a rather unique and intoxicating smell, and I must admit that its taste is as well.

"...go get treated," Ree growled.

"We are currently in an infirmary, my dear child. And if it is located in the basement, without a single window, it is not without reason."

Lili held her breath, fixing her eyes on the nurse's smile to finally notice his canines, which were sharper than normal.

"You're a vampire?" she exclaimed, quickly pulling her hand away.

"Bingo! Don't worry, I have something to feed on. I am indeed a vampire, but I excel in curative spells, I had the best grades in white magic, you know? Come on, I'll treat you, sorry for this little incident, I had never smelled such a scent, I couldn't help myself."

Cautiously, Lili offered him her arm again. This time, the vampire limited himself to the necessary care.

"There, it's done," he said with a smile. "See? I can control myself. Don't worry, it was really unusual. Anyway, you will always be welcome in my infirmary, even if you're not injured."

He affectionately ruffled their heads before getting up and heading towards his office.

The three friends left the basement and went to the first-year dormitories, sitting around the magical flame in the common room.

"Where were you?" Charity asked.

"At the infirmary," Lulis simply replied.

"Is that true?"

They turned their heads towards Victoria Drown, a girl whose black bangs almost completely hid her eyes. She was quite discreet, usually, no one heard her speak.

"It seems that the nurse is a vampire," she continued without looking at them.

"What?" exclaimed Charity. "A vampire? But he didn't hurt you?"

"No," Lili replied. "He's nice. A bit strange, but nice."

They continued to discuss the nurse for a long time, so much so that they were still there when Izãdo finally returned from his training.

He looked exhausted and covered in bites. He approached them and collapsed on the cozy couch where Lili was already sitting. The hunter's daughter quickly took some water - all common rooms were equipped with a small sink for students who were thirsty at night - to apply it to his wounds.

"You should have stopped by the infirmary," Lulis remarked.

"No, I'm fine," the prince replied, watching Lili treat him.

"You look exhausted."

"Of course, those creatures wouldn't stop attacking me."

"What's your weapon again?"

Without a word, Izãdo simply took a large bronze cup-and-ball toy out of his bag.

"Isn't it too heavy?" Charity asked.

"It weighs almost nothing."

He handed it to her, but she struggled to lift it. Giving up, she just watched the prince effortlessly bring the ball back to the spike, considering the weight of the toy.

"It's useful against the tuftoos," he remarked without stopping his game. "They barely have time to approach."

He realized that his classmates were mentally counting the number of bites Lili was treating.

"Unless they all gang up on me at the same time, of course!" he grumbled, annoyed.

"Unless they all gang up on me at the same time, of course!" he grumbled, annoyed

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The School of Bermuda - Volume 1 - The hunter's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now