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Lili, Ree, Izãdo, and Lulis helped themselves generously at the buffet before calmly sitting down.

The hunter's daughter took out her schedule from her bag.

"At 1 o'clock, we have a flying class," she said to her friends. "And then... it's free time."

"Really?" Lulis exclaimed, approaching her to see the paper. "Well then! We have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves! What could we do?"

"Maybe our homework," Ree replied with a straight face.

"Starting tonight?"

"We still have a spells class tomorrow from 11 a.m. to noon, so yes, we'd better do our homework, at least for that class."

Lulis made a face. He had nothing against studying, as long as it didn't encroach on his free time.

"As for me, I wanted to consult my magical encyclopedia," Lili said excitedly. "I'm curious to know about the creatures that exist."

"We'll look at it with you," Izãdo quickly replied. "After our homework."

After their meal, they decided to focus on the training requested by Professor Minyar.

As 1 o'clock approached, they hurried with their brooms in hand to the place where the flying class was taking place. Professor Morag Lynch was waiting for them there.

He too was quite young, with wavy black hair that fell on his shoulders. His clothes had a shade between blue and green.

He quickly began the class, as they only had one hour.

"The broom works somewhat like the wand, it obeys your commands, but in the form of an incantation," he explained. "Mount it, and, as the spells professor must have explained to you, you must find a rhyme related to the takeoff of your broom."

Each of them took their place, ready to take off, but they all had some difficulty finding the right incantation.

"It's your turn, magic broom," Izãdo said, taking off quickly to the congratulations of the professor. The prince rose a few meters above the ground.

As he embarked on the acrobatics exercises requested by Morag, Lili watched him helplessly. Ree easily took off as well, then the triplets, who took the opportunity to brag.

"I no longer want to stay on Earth's ground," the hunter's daughter said, "Please take me to the skies, let me be unbound."

She let out a little mouse-like squeal as she clung to the broomstick when she felt her feet leave the ground.

"Loosen up, Miss Mause," the professor shouted from the ground. "Bend your legs and move your body away from the broomstick, that's how you'll fall otherwise."

Trembling with fear, she positioned herself as he asked. Her broom began to respond to her commands without the need to speak out loud, just her will.

It was ultimately simpler than she had imagined, and she quickly got used to it. Once reassured and confident, she was able to perform the requested acrobatics exercises herself, which she executed perfectly.

When the class was over, she reluctantly left. Flying was exhilarating! Feeling the wind in her hair, the shivers on her skin. Being free, simply!

She headed to the study room, where she could start her spell homework.

Then she immersed herself in the fascinating explanations of the magical book! The book was filled with impressive and sometimes unusual details. She learned a lot about fairies, pegasi, and even chimeras.

The chimeras were described as horrible bloodthirsty monsters that lived only to kill. With a lion's head, a powerful jaw, and a goat's head, with the ability to breathe fire, they also had a snake-like tail with venomous fangs. Their front legs were those of a huge feline, while the hind legs resembled goat hooves. Chimeras were among the few animals that could not be summoned, or at least it had never happened, and no one had managed to tame them.

What frightened Lili was the final announcement made by the book, "Today, chimeras can only be found in the forest of the Bermuda school, or the one bordering the royal castle." Why keep such monsters near a school?

She shuddered at the thought that a chimera could attack the students of her school.

At 7 o'clock, she left her friends to join the small farm and take care of the poultry. She loved this job, the peacocks were magnificent and the geese were amusing, but her favorite was the cemani rooster. Its feathers, skin, beak, eyes... it was entirely black, like a raven. When the rooster saw Lili, it hopped towards her to ask for its seeds, even perching on her shoulder when she bent down to pet a few chicks.

"He seems to like you," the farmer said as he emerged from his cabin.

"I feel a bit guilty about cooking his family," Lili confessed, looking glum.

"This rooster, we have no intention of eating him. He's an even better guard than the geese."

"Does he have a name?"

"Not at all. I don't name poultry. You can give him one if you want."

"Prince would suit him well, he stands so proudly."

Kareth agreed and approached to caress the animal, unfortunately, it didn't seem to agree and pecked his hand! The farmer gave up on the idea and walked away to help the students taking care of the cows.

With Luil's help, Lili had no trouble getting all the poultry inside the chicken coop before going to help the others, who were struggling to reason with the cows, as they stubbornly refused to come inside.

"If we were in an ordinary field," Kareth grumbled while pushing one of them, "they could stay outside! But chimeras come out at night, and those things can easily eat such large animals."

Finally, with a little trickery, they managed to get all the livestock into the stable. When everything was done, the students were able to return to the school to go to sleep.

Ree was already fast asleep when Lili settled into the bottom bunk, so she decided not to disturb her and lay down. She tossed and turned in her bed, unable to fall asleep, worried about the possibility of chimeras being right outside her window... After exhausting her brain, she finally fell asleep. Unfortunately, her dreams led her to vile nightmares, where her father was trying to kill her. Trying to escape, she ran, but he relentlessly pursued her with a sharp blade. Lili felt like she wasn't making any progress, as if stuck in molasses, while her father got closer and closer to her...

 Lili felt like she wasn't making any progress, as if stuck in molasses, while her father got closer and closer to her

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The School of Bermuda - Volume 1 - The hunter's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now