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Karel dropped the letter, taking a knife hidden in his boot and advanced towards his daughter.

"A witch, then... like your mother..." 

"What...? Dad...?" 

"I forbid you... from calling me that again!"

He swung the weapon at her, but she narrowly avoided it by stumbling. The child began to cry, backing up until she was blocked against the entrance dresser. She noticed tears welling up in her father's eyes. Tears of rage or despair? Lili suddenly threw herself to the side to escape her father, rushing to hide in a closet. But Karel followed her, pulling her out by the ankle. He raised his weapon over her once again before a sudden red light struck him in the back. He let out a groan and collapsed next to her.

Behind him stood Donatello, still panting, with a wooden wand pointed forward.

"Are you okay, Lili?" he asked.

"Why...?" the little girl sobbed. "Why is he trying to kill me?"

"Just like he killed your mother... I suppose you didn't know. You are a witch, just like her, and unfortunately, your father is a hunter. Hunters have been hunting us for decades to decimate us... your mother was aware. I was her friend at school, and I tried to convince her not to continue her relationship with him, but she loved him too much. I knew he would eventually discover that she was a witch. I wish you hadn't inherited it from her, but here we are. Come, gather your things and hurry, he will wake up soon, and we'll have to be on the train by then."

He reached out his hand to Lili, who considered it for a moment before finally slipping hers into his to stand up. She gathered some clothes, her console, her doll, and stuffed animals, as well as some drawing supplies before following the man, casting one last glance at her father.

"Don't worry about him," Donatello whispered. "Hunters are tough, but we don't seek to kill them, unlike them. We hope, in vain, that they will one day understand that we are not their enemies."

He ruffled Lili's hair before leading her to the train station, running to catch the train on time. He took a seat with the little girl, watching her brood before handing her a letter.

"Here, you should read this."

Lili looked up at him and took the paper, rereading what her father had read before her, then picked up the second sheet.

"Bermuda School - For young wizards and witches


List of clothing that students must have:

Five mandatory uniforms, consisting of a top and pants or a skirt.A black capeA pair of protective glovesA racing uniform in the color of their year.A pall elus uniform in the color of their year.

Each garment must have a label indicating the student's name.

The student can bring tights, scarves, hats, gloves, or other winter accessories in the color of their year.

Of course, students must bring one or more pajamas and toiletries.

Students are also allowed to customize their uniforms within reason. The rules regarding customizing the outfits are as follows:

The uniform must remain in the color of the student's year.Added embellishments can be a different color but should not hide the base color.Tights can be changed, but the rest must remain as is.The skirt or pants can have a different cut (length, shape), but should not differ too much.The emblem must remain in its place.

The School of Bermuda - Volume 1 - The hunter's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now