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"Catch it, damnit!"

"I'm not going to get on the bed!"

"It was you who opened that package, Ree!"

"It was to check if it wasn't a prank from the triplets!"

Lili grimaced, struggling to open her eyes. The candlelight in front of her assaulted her pupils, so she immediately closed her eyelids. She felt Ree fidgeting next to the bed.

"You don't just open a package of flying brooms like that!" Izãdo growled. "So you figure out how to catch it."

"But it's flying all over the place!"

The little girl blinked her eyes again, slowly getting used to the light.

"Lili is awake!" Lulis called out.

Ree and Izãdo, who had finally gone to help the blonde, rushed to the bed surrounded by sweets and flowers.

"How are you feeling, Lili?" the prince asked.

"A bit groggy," the girl admitted.

"You slept for a week, it's normal."

"A week?" Lili choked. "And what about classes?"

"Take it easy, don't move so suddenly. Don't worry. Instead of using magic, the headmistress preferred to ask all the students and teachers to lend a hand in repairing the damage in the hall."


"Don't you remember?"

"...I remember... that Professor Amos confessed to me with a laugh that he was responsible for my mother's death because he told my father who she was."

"And then?"


"You burst into flames," Ree reminded her. "It was impressive."

"...And Professor Butter?"

"You immobilized him, he was taken by the royal guard, he is now in the wizard prison."

"Under my father's supervision," added Izãdo.

"I don't remember..."

The enormous bat entered the room, pushing the door open, and landed in front of the bed while transforming into a human shape.

"I see you're feeling better," Viktor said.

"Hello Viktor."

"I think you can go back to classes after the weekend. During this week, we did some research using magic, and guess what we found?"

Lili looked at the nurse inquisitively. He offered her a mysterious smile and took out an old notebook from an internal pocket of his long white coat, handing it to her.

"Odilon Poussin's diary when he studied here, he had hidden it in the library. Your grandfather, Lili. We discovered something very interesting while reading it. What do you know about the mix of humans and creatures?"

"I only know that Charity is a half-mermaid."

"For most creatures, mating with a human has no particular impact, and the genes weaken over the years. Except for one of them."

Viktor quickly flipped through the pages, placing it open on Lili's lap. Several sketches of a beautiful woman with wings on her back were drawn on two pages.

"Fairies are tiny, but they can take human form if they fall in love with a human. However... it's fatal for them, which is why they are so solitary and selfish. The one and only child they have absorb all their magic, which is also what keeps them alive. However, this child will keep the buried fairy magic within them, without ever feeling it. It is from the next generation, and increasingly with each descendant, that fairy genes gradually reclaim their place. So much so that after ten generations, the heirs of a fairy will have a human appearance while having wings on their back. Lili, this explains why creatures are so drawn to your blood. And also why you inherited such a unique wand. Created by fairies with the flame of a dragon, it could only belong to a half-fairy."

The School of Bermuda - Volume 1 - The hunter's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now