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"Wow, is it made of silver?" The instructor leaned over Lili's desk to examine her wand.

"The saleswoman said it was made by fairies," Lili mumbled timidly.

"Really? Can I see it?" Lili handed the magical object to her teacher, who took it to examine it from all angles.

"It's beautiful. You're lucky to have such a rarity!" Lili thought she heard Anna and her brother grumbling with jealousy behind her. She was both delighted and scared because she feared what they might do to her in return. Minyar returned her wand with a smile.

"Alright! Let's get started! Show me what you're capable of!" 

Lili looked at her glass, worried. What if she couldn't succeed in the exercise? She glanced at Izãdo, who, tired, conjured a simple apple juice in his cup. Ree, next to her, managed to fill hers a third of the way with lemonade. The hunter's daughter sighed and wondered what drink to choose when a cry echoed through the room. All eyes turned to Anna, who had jumped out of her chair. Her brother, Edward, had filled his glass with wriggling maggots.

"What on earth were you thinking?" Minyar exclaimed. Realizing his question and noticing that the young boy was about to answer, he quickly added, "No! I don't want to know!" 

He stepped forward and pointed his own wand at the glass, ordering it to empty itself. After that, not a single worm remained.

"Do the exercise again, and please think of a drink!" Several students couldn't help but laugh. 

Anna seemed ashamed that her own brother had messed up his action. Their twin, Louis, remained silent. His glass was already filled to the brim with lemonade. Lili turned, determined to do better. She concentrated with all her might, trying to think of her favorite drink.

"Fill up!" 

The cup was immediately filled with warm banana-chocolate milk, with an enticing aroma that quickly filled the room.

"A hot drink!" exclaimed the professor, delighted. "I must admit that when I mentioned a drink, I was thinking of water, soda, or juice, but a hot drink... it takes twice as much concentration to conjure one because of the temperature. Congratulations, Lili, for this first exercise, twenty out of twenty!" 

He checked each glass, gave high marks for most of them, then raised his own cup to toast, smiling, to this first day, drinking with his students. They finished their drinks when the bell rang.

"For next time, I would like you to practice changing something into food. I will bring rabbits to class, and you will have to feed them."

Excited by this class, the students rushed outside to the next room, the potion class, which turned out to be just as enjoyable and interesting. Professor Butter kept joking about different subjects, and he was so kind.

Too kind, thought Lili.

He also showed a keen interest in the girl's wand.

"It would be incredibly powerful in the hands of an older wizard," he had said.

"Lili will grow up and age too," the prince replied.

Izãdo also didn't like this teacher, despite his kindness. To be honest, it was difficult to know which people the prince liked, apart from Ree, Lili, and Lulis. He had admitted that he didn't like Professor Minyar either. According to him, a teacher should remain serious.

However, he immediately liked Tera Noctis, the Demonology professor. The young woman was serious, even unfriendly. She spoke about her class with an almost frightening passion, but without digressing, and sent the most talkative students flying, hanging them from the chandelier in the room.

"Now there's a teacher who takes her role seriously," Izãdo said as he left the classroom.

"Still," Lulis murmured, "hanging students from the chandelier..."

"They asked for it! And besides, it was a pleasure to see that brat and her brother swinging from the ceiling."

They had decided, during their short break, to visit the castle. As they explored yet another corridor, Professor Butter crossed their path.

"Well, well," he said, amused. "Here are the ones I was looking for."

"Why us?" Ree asked.

"Actually, I just wanted to talk to Miss Mause." Lili was surprised but followed the professor, bidding her friends farewell for a moment.

"Everyone is talking about you all over the school," the teacher said as they walked towards his office. "It seems you exceeded my colleague's expectations in the spell exercise."

The girl's cheeks started to blush, and she couldn't help but smile.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"News travels fast here. And I ran into Raphael in the teachers' lounge, I mean, Professor Minyar."

He stopped in front of his door, turned to Lili, and placed both hands on her shoulders.

"Lili Mause," the professor said. "I don't know if you're aware, but I myself am the son of two hunters. So, I am at your disposal if you ever feel different, rejected, or disliked. We are alike, you and I."

"Thank you, professor," Lili murmured, a little disappointed. "That's very kind of you... but my friends are here, as long as they support me, I don't care what others say."

"That's well said. Miss Tant, the young prince, and Lulis Ramis are loyal friends. I would like to give you a gift."

He went into his office for a moment, then came out with a beautiful leather-bound book with gold lettering. The title read: "The Great Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures," and underneath, a simple circle was drawn.

"This is what I wanted to give you," Amos Butter announced, placing the book in her hands.

"It's beautiful!" exclaimed Lili. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. You seem interested in the magical world, which you have never known until now, and I bet you love animals."

"It seems small for a 'great encyclopedia.'"

"That's normal, it's a magical book."

Amos pointed his wand at the drawn circle and ordered it to activate. Immediately, a face painted in watercolors came to life in the hoop.

 Immediately, a face painted in watercolors came to life in the hoop

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The School of Bermuda - Volume 1 - The hunter's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now