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" We don't have time for that."

Nefertiti mumbled in her sleep when she felt her face being licked. Her eyes shot open when she realised that she was being excessively licked and as playful as Ayo was, it could not be him.

" Oh my..."

She exclaimed surprised but with joy as she sat upright on their bed. Ayo sat in the bed next to her with the black and white puppy in his arms. It had a white ring around of fur around it's neck.

" Marry Christmas, I know it's tomorrow but since I can't be with you, I'm giving you your gift now."

" Oh my gosh , you remembered."

Nefertiti had once mentioned how she had wanted a dog ever since she was a young girl but her father would refuse then got her one for her twelfth birthday after she had begged. Only for it to be hit a a speeding car a few months later due to her father's negligence. He never liked the dog and only got it for her because she nagged, his words.

" I guess you like him?"


" I love him, he's so cute. Thank you, I swear I've been going to pet shops and shelters to look at dogs recently. I've been hesitant to get one."

Nefertiti wiped a stray tear of her cheek, touched by Ayo's gift and the fact that he actually listened when she spoke of dogs. What type of dog she would love, the colour and breed she wanted to get one day.

" What will you name him?"

Ayo asked while busy with his phone

" Pepé. Short for Pepé Le Pew, you know since they both have white stripes."

" The original Pepé was a skunk though."

Nefertiti rolled her eyes at him earning herself a light snack on the thigh, Ayo did not like when she rolled her eyes unless it was in bed. She turned to her phone when it notified her of a message, her mouth went wide as she read the message.

" Is this my Christmas gift too?"

Ayo chuckled.

" Yeah, I've been meaning to do it but just thought you might be insulted by it."

He had sent her thousands and she could not stop looking at her bank balance.

" Insulted?, I might be a working woman but I'm not declining money freely given to me. I didn't date you for your money but I won't stop you from giving it to me."

Nefertiti kissed him to thank him. While nervous at the thought of if he would like her gift. Being rich and famous Ayo had everything and she had a hard time finding a gift for him but this gift reminded her of the first time they met at that petrol station store almost a year ago. To think she told him she would never date a guy like him that day.

Now, she couldn't imagine her life without him. That sent shivers down her spine because she has always believed that loving anyone to that extent was dangerous, one should be able to function in society without a significant other.

" You know you can talk to me."

" Huh?"

" You did that thing where you zone out when something's bothering you."

Ayo raised his eyebrows as if to tell her to tell her what was bothering her.

" Sorry, I was just wondering if my gift will be sufficient with everything you've given me."

Nefertiti smiled nervously.

" I've got the best gift in the world, you. Nothing will ever beat you saying yes to my marriage proposal."

She handed Ayo a small box, nervously biting her lip as he unwrapped it. Inside was a keychain in the shape of a microphone, symbolizing his passion and talent as a musician and there was a petrol pump charm next to it, symbolising their first encounter.

" Wow babe."

Ayo's eyes widened as he held the keychain in his hands. He looked at Nefertiti with amazement and admiration.

"Wow, this is incredible. How did you find this? It's perfect."

Nefertiti smiled, relieved that he liked it.

"I wanted to find something that represents your love for music, something that you can carry with you wherever you go and this symbolises the first time we met."

Ayo pulled her close, his excitement contagious. He was not expecting anything from her.

"Thank you, Nefertiti. This means more to me than you can imagine. I love that you put so much thought into it."

They sat there, in each other's arms, feeling the warmth of their love surround them. The exchange of gifts was just a small part of their Christmas celebration, but it held significant meaning for both of them.

" I love you."

He confessed as he lay her back down onto the bed while kissing her. Nefertiti welcomed his kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck but he stopped kissing her then lifted his head.

" Do we have time?"

Ayo taunted, Nefertiti smiled then pulled his head down by the back of his neck continuing to kiss him. With Pepé in his bassinet, the couple celebrated their love.

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