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Ayo couldn't help but be in awe of the incredible opportunities that Nefertiti had brought into his life. She not only managed to connect him with the owner of a prestigious movie company, but she also secured him a prominent role as a superhero in their highly-anticipated upcoming film. On top of that, she negotiated a deal where she received thirty percent of the shares as payment for his involvement and if that wasn't enough, she even facilitated a partnership with an animation company.

" Knowing Nefi, when she told me she was engaged to you, I didn't believe her because of your reputation. Also her character is not one you would associate with someone like you."

Ayo turned to his new business partner, surprised at his words. Ayo believed they had a good meeting and now he was talking down to him.

" I only let her set up this meeting to satisfy her, thinking you couldn't offer me what I wanted but you're exactly what my company needs. You're more talented than what I thought and you're not even a professional animator. I don't think you're good enough for her but she's right about you."

The man shook hands with Ayo, informed him of their next meeting before standing up and leaving Ayo stunned. Not sure how to feel about his words.

" Damn! How's he related to Nefertiti again?"

Ayo's lawyer asked.

" Not related but his son is her patient and has been her patient since he was born."

A few days after his little scandal, Nefertiti had called him informing that the owner of Motion Magic was starting a new anime series, since his son was into them and needed an animator but was having trouble finding one. So she suggested him and luckily the man was flying to same city as Ayo after his son's clinic appointment.

" Who knew a simple nurse practitioner would know so many influential people."

Ayo turned to his lawyer with a smile on his face.

" Nothing's simple about my wife, don't associate her name with that word."

Ayo often found himself pondering how he ended up so lucky to have someone like Nefertiti in his life. She possessed a rare combination of charm, intelligence, and an unwavering determination that seemed to open doors for him effortlessly. Her ability to network and make connections in the industry was unparalleled.

" I apologise, she's an amazing woman."

In many ways, Nefertiti was his lucky charm, a person who believed in him and constantly sought out opportunities to elevate his career. Her sheer dedication and passion for helping him succeed often left him in awe. Ayo couldn't help but feel grateful beyond words for all that she had done for him.

As Ayo reflected on his incredible stroke of luck, he couldn't help but feel immense gratitude for the day he crossed paths with Nefertiti. She had become more than just a friend or a partner; she was his guiding light, propelling him towards a future he once only dreamt of.

" Judging by the smile on your face, everything went well?"

Ayo immediately called Nefertiti when he got to his hotel room.

" This smile is because I'm happy to see you. I missed you last night."

Due to him performing till late the night before, he did not manage to call her as usual.

" I miss you too but knowing I'll be seeing you in two days, brings me comfort."

Nefertiti said excitedly

"How did it go, Ayo? Did the meeting go well? Did they like your artwork?"

She wanted more info on his meeting. Ayo's smile widened as he replied,

"It went better than I could have imagined. The owner of the animation company loved my artwork. He was impressed by my attention to detail and my unique style of drawing Anime characters."

Nefertiti's eyes lit up with joy as she exclaimed.

"I knew they would appreciate your talent."

Ayo nodded enthusiastically,

" He made me partner because he doesn't want to lose me."

Nefertiti's heart swelled with pride for Ayo's achievement.

"I am so proud of you."

Ayo couldn't help but feel grateful for Nefertiti's unwavering support.

" Won't this affect your music?"

" No,"

he reassured her.

"I've always dreamed of working as an artist, and this opportunity is too good to pass up, I'll just have to schedule my time well."

He smiled through the screen.

"I'm a multi-talented guy, I can manage both. I'll use my free time and weekends to focus on my music and gigs. This job will actually give me the stability I need to pursue my passions."

Nefertiti smiled, her worries fading away. She knew how passionate Ayo was about his music, and she trusted him to find a balance.

"You're right,"

she said, her voice filled with support.

"I believe in you and your talent. You can do anything you set your mind to."

Ayo's grin was infectious as he leaned into the camera, he wished he could be with her in that moment but took comfort in that he would be seeing her in a few hours .

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