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" You used to be the most promiscuous of us all.."

Sebastian said to his best friend Ayo, when Ayo rejected the advances of a girl, who had followed Sebastian into their area, as they sat in the vip area of the club trying to unwind. 

" Now you act like women disgust you except Nefertiti and she ain't even all that!". 

Sebastian was a bit intoxicated and did not think of what he was saying but nonetheless Jason, the third friend, gave the conversation his full attention, so he could stand in between them if a fight ensued.   To Jason's surprise Ayo smiled.

" All my life I've been looking for the perfect woman but only chose the perfect woman physically, never the woman perfect inside and Nefi is all that."

Just by the sparkle in Ayo's eye, Jason could tell he loved Nefertiti.  

" Now that I have what I have always wanted why would I risk ruining for a few minutes of fun."

Ayo added while sipping on his drink. Sebastian looked at Ayo, a mix of surprise and confusion on his face.

" Nah man, you used to be the one who never turned down any opportunity,"

Sebastian replied, his voice slightly slurred.

"What changed?"

Ayo took a deep breath, leaning back in his chair.

"I guess I finally realized that chasing endless physical encounters wasn't fulfilling me anymore," he explained.

"I want something more meaningful now, something real."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, still struggling to process this new revelation.

"but what about all those other girls? Weren't they enough?"

he asked. He was talking about his past relationships, since Ayo was the type to fall in love and love hard.

Ayo shook his head.

"No, they weren't. It was all surface-level, temporary satisfaction. It left me feeling empty. Nefi is different, man. She's not just a pretty face, she's genuine, caring, and has a beautiful soul. I've never met someone like her before."

Jason, who had been silently listening, spoke up.

"It sounds like you've found what you were truly looking for, Ayo,"

he said, a smile forming on his face.

"Not everyone is lucky enough to find someone who fulfills them both physically and emotionally."

Ayo nodded, grateful for his friends' understanding.

"Exactly, Jase. I don't want to jeopardize what Nefi and I have for meaningless encounters. It's not worth it. I've realized that now."

Sebastian, still trying to process Ayo's words, let out a deep breath

" so you're saying Nefertiti is the only woman for you?" 

Ayo replied yes with a huge smile on his face

" I'm even proposing to her as soon as this tour is over and I get to see her."

Jason and Sebastian were shocked and did not hide it. Ayo swore he would never get married.

" I miss her."

Ayo said more to himself but his friends heard him loud and clear. Jason and Sebastian exchanged glances, still in disbelief over Ayo's sudden change of heart. They had always known him as the eternal bachelor, the guy who would never settle down. But now, here he was, professing his undying love and intention to propose to Nefertiti.

Sebastian, trying to wrap his head around it, asked cautiously.

"but Ayo, what brought about this change? You've always been so against marriage."

Ayo looked at his friends with a mix of vulnerability and determination in his eyes.

"I guess love does that to you,"

he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Being away from Nefertiti for so long made me realize how much she means to me. She's been there for me through thick and thin, and I can't imagine my life without her anymore."

Sebastian , still processing the news, interjected,

"but what about your freedom and all the adventures you used to seek? Are you really ready to give all of that up?"

Ayo smiled and shook his head.

"You guys know me better than anyone, the adventures continue just with her now. She's all the adventure I need."

Ayo was the last person he expected to fall for a woman to the point where he would consider marriage even though they knew he was a sucker for love.  Sebastian felt left out.

" This wasn't the agreement. Jason is married, you're  ready to propose to Nefertiti but where does that leave me, us, our friendship?."

Another part of  Sebastian felt that he was losing his friends. Sebastian had watched Ayo fall in love countless times before, always putting his heart on the line. He had seen Ayo get hurt, pick up the pieces, and start the process all over again but this time, it felt different. Nefertiti was not like the others. She was smart, funny, and had a magnetic presence that seemed to captivate both Ayo and him.

Ayo and Jason  thought that Sebastian was being overly dramatic and irrational. Ayo even joked,

"Come on, Seb. You know we're always gonna be bros, no matter what. Don't let a woman get in the way of our bond."

Sebastian couldn't ignore the ache in his heart. He wasn't ready to lose their friendship.

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