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" It's great seeing you spending time with your family on Christmas Day, after the busy year you've had with touring."

The Brunch Show host said as he interviewed him. It was two days after Christmas and he had been invited on the show to talk.

" Oh man, I don't think I've ever such a long period of time without my kids but I tried to bring them with me when possible. It was great having the whole family over."

Ayo had spent Christmas with his family and the day after Christmas doing charity with his family and pictures of him were taken by citizens and the media.

" Talking about family there is a certain young lady who you keep posting and was photographed a few days ago leaving your parents home with you and I think she was with you at the charity event."

Instantly his face lit up with a genuine smile, the camera man kept his camera on him as it was a live radio show, the question brought the image of her face to the forefront of his mind. Ayo's eyes sparkled with softness as heat rushed to his face. A slight blush covered his cheeks

" Oh my gosh, look at him he's blushing...."

The female co-host cooed at him causing him to smile harder. Due to his promise to keep their relationship private, he tried not to say much.

" I know a man in love when I see one. Oh my gosh, who thought we would get to see you so fragile. "

The cohost cheered.

" You're right, I've fallen and I don't wanna get up. That's my fiancé."

Ayo spoke with pride. There was a unanimous gasp from the radio hosts.

" Wait did I hear you right Ayo, you're engaged?"

Ayo nodded his head in agreement.

" Yes we're about a week engaged. Had a private dinner a few days ago and pop the question. We've been together for almost a year now and she's the best thing that has ever happened to me I swear."

Ayo kept a tender smile on his face as he spoke, his voice filled with joy and pride. Similar to music, he was enthusiastic about Nefertiti.

" Tell me about her, how you met her and what you love about her."

Ayo took a moment to collect his thoughts, still beaming with happiness.

"Well, where do I begin?"

he said, his voice filled with affection.

"Nefertiti is just one of a kind. From the moment I first met her, there was this undeniable connection between us. Even though she wasn't receptive when we first met and thought I was prancing her. She's incredibly intelligent, kind-hearted, and has the most beautiful smile that can light up any room."

Ayo's excitement was evident as he continued to speak about his fiancé.

"What made me fall in love with her? It's hard to pinpoint just one thing. She's fiercely independent and has this amazing energy that draws people towards her. She's also incredibly supportive of my career and understands the demands and challenges that come with it. But most importantly, she loves me for who I am, flaws and all."

The radio host nodded, captivated by Ayo's words.

"It sounds like you've found your perfect match. How did you know she was the one?"

Ayo chuckled, a look of pure joy on his face.

"You know, they say when you know, you know and with Nefertiti, it just felt right from the very beginning. We have this incredible connection and understand each other in a way that I never thought possible. Every time I'm with her it feels like an adventure, and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else."

The host smiled, clearly touched by Ayo's heartfelt words.

" She's also very beautiful, she knows that but never believes me when I say it but I understand why. My dating history is after all all over the country internet."

The radio hosts listened attentively as he boasted about Nefertiti.

"That's truly beautiful. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together. Any plans or ideas for the wedding?"

Ayo's smile grew even wider, his eyes shining with excitement while playing the exclusive single Marry Me.

"We haven't finalized any details yet, but we're hoping for a small, intimate ceremony surrounded by our closest family and friends. We both value privacy, so keeping it low-key is important to us but one thing's for sure, it's going to be a day filled with love, laughter, and music."

" I notice that she keeps her face out of the cameras, it's to keep that privacy?"

The co-host questioned.

" Yes, we prefer to stay private because she didn't ask to be in the spotlight and we all know how hurtful the netizens can be."

The interview continued with him talking more about Nefertiti, his children and his music. There was a section for social media questions and the host made sure to stray away from negative questions or comments about his relationship. Ayo was grateful since he knew Nefertiti would be listening.

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