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Colby's pov
I just got off the phone with Jade and she said she hasn't had dinner meaning she hasn't eaten all day and I'm kinda worried about her even tho she said to not worry and she's ok and she will eat later but I don't believe her like I thought she was getting better but I guess she isn't maybe she won't ever be 100% better again

I was Brought out of my thoughts by Sam saying my name and waving his hand in my face

"Hey man you ok?" Sam asked
"Ya I'm all good," I said
"Everything good with jade?" He asked
"I don't know she hasn't eaten today like at all," I said
"Don't worry she probably just isn't hungry" he said "Let's go party" he said

I nodded and we went to the kitchen and garbed a white claw each and then went back to everyone else and started partying and everything I was thinking about started slipping away

The next day

I woke up on a couch with a blanket over me and some water and a bottle of Advil and my phone next to me so I sat up taking the blanket off me and took the Advil and drank the water then I turned on the phone and looked at the time and it was 4 in the morning I have no idea what time I passed out last night but that doesn't matter what matters is that I need to get home and check on jade 

I looked around for Sam and saw him sleeping on the other couch so I gently woke him up and passed him the rest of my water and the bottle of Advil

"come on we are going home" I said

he nodded and took the Advil and water then we went to my car and drove home we quietly walked into the house and we walked upstairs and sam went to his room and I went over to jades room 

"shit I should probably go to sleep" I heard her say 

I opened the door and leaned against the doorframe 

"ya princess you should but not before you eat something," I said making her look over at me 

"fine," she said ovesly not wanting to fight with me 

she got up but I guess she got up too quickly becase she started losing her balance so I ran over to her and helped her stabilise herself then helped her sit down 

"whoa, Jade are you ok?" I asked 

"Y-yea I'm fine j-just got a bit dizzy," she said 

"ok yep you're definitely eating now," I said picking her up bridle style

I then took her downstairs and sat her down on the bench 

"what do you want to eat?" I asked

"Nothing," she said

"ok leftover pasta it is" I said 

I grabbed out the container of leftover pasta and grabbed a bowl and put half of it in the bowl and grabbed some cheese and put some on it then I put it in the microwave then I walked over to her and stood infrount of her and looked at her in the eyes

"I thought you were getting better princess" I said

"I did too," she said looking down 

"hey hey it's okay," I said lifting her chin making her look at me in the eyes "This is probably what is meant to happen some days you're going to be ok and eat a lot and some days your not going to eat as much or anything at all," I said 

she opened her mouth to say something but closed it again when the microwave went off so I walked over and got it out and then grabbed a fork and mixed the cheese in with the pasta and put it on the bench infrount of a chair and helped her down and she walked over to the chair and sat down and I just watched her as she ate making sure she actually ate

"What?" she asked with a little laugh

"nothing just making sure you eat" I said 

she ate a few more bites then pushed it away 

"im full" she said

"you sure?" I asked

"yep," she said 

I nodded and grabbed a fork and started to eat the rest and this time she watched me eat

"What?" I asked

"Nothing just watching you becase you watched me" she said

I nodded then I finished the rest of the pasta and put the bowl and forks in the sink then I picked Jade up and put her over my shoulder  making her shriek 

"what are you doing?!" she asked laughing 

"shhh you're going to wake Sam up" I whispered 

I then took her to her room and put her in her bed and tucked her in then I kissed her forehead

"good night princess see you later" I said

"Can you sleep with me?" she asked

"ya sure," I said

I hoped into her bed with her and got under the blanket facing her then she snuggled up to me so I put my arm around her and we fell straight asleep 

840 words

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