Dear Babygirl

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Dear Babygirl,
Don't mould yourself into a box that you cannot fit
Your beauty is completely different and unique
You're using criteria that doesn't apply
Beauty is subjective,
So you can still be pretty in somebody else's eye

Try to look at yourself
From a different point of view
Stop focusing on what you lack
And start focusing on what you have

Your hair might not be silky smooth,
Teased into glamour
But your hair can do what
Other people's hair can not do

Do not mock the shade of your skin
Cause true beauty comes
Not from vanity, but from within
And beautiful you are:
You're so strong-willed and smart
You never let the bad side of life leave a mark
You do not let it scar your beauty
Or taint and tarnish your soul
Cause no matter what life throws at you
You always remain in control

GIRLS // Poetry --reupload (2016)Where stories live. Discover now