Would you Be So Kind

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It was Friday evening, and Sirius suggested that Draco spend the night at his place with his husband, Remus, and their 16-year-old son. Sirius hoped that Draco's presence would bring some peace to Harry, either by forging a friendship or helping him consider breaking up with Ginny, who seemed manipulative and only interested in using Harry. Perhaps Draco, a blonde, could be given a chance to date Harry instead.

Lost in his thoughts in his bedroom, Harry heard the sound of footsteps approaching the flat door. He hurried through the hallway to the intercom, knowing it must be Draco. Letting the 16-year-old in, Harry then walked towards the door, opening it.

Draco ascended the stairs to the second floor, his eyes scanning for Harry. Spotting him, Draco made his way up to the flat. Harry, eager to greet his friend, secured the latch on the door and approached Draco.

The blonde pulled Harry into a gentle hug, still feeling the chill from being outside in the January weather. "What's this for?" Harry asked, a smile gracing his lips. Draco replied, "Just wanted to hug you, you know. Can we please go inside? It's getting a bit colder out here." Harry nodded and opened the door, allowing Draco to step into the warmth of the house.

Harry took Draco's coat and hung it up on a hook. "Your shoes can go on the shoe rack," he said, motioning towards the designated area. Together, they made their way to the kitchen where Harry's dads, Sirius and Remus, were waiting.

As they entered the kitchen, the warm aroma of dinner filled the air. Sirius and Remus turned their heads, their faces lighting up upon seeing Draco. Harry introduced Draco to his dads, who welcomed him with genuine warmth and hospitality. The dinner table was set, and everyone eagerly took their seats, ready to enjoy a cosy, family meal together.

As the clock struck 10 pm, everyone gathered in the living room, feeling the warmth of the fire and enjoying each other's company. Draco, however, was starting to feel the weight of exhaustion settling in.

Sensing Draco's tiredness, Sirius turned to him with a thoughtful expression. "Do you want to go to bed, Draco? You have two options," Sirius offered. "You can sleep in the spare room, or if you prefer, we can set up a blow-up mattress in Harry's room for you." Draco sighed softly, feeling the weariness creeping through his bones. "Either option will be fine, seriously," he replied, his voice reflecting his longing for a good night's sleep.

He got up from the couch and walked towards Harry's bedroom. "Here, please," Draco requested, taking a seat on the carpeted floor.

Sirius, taking notice of Draco's behaviour, sat down beside him and mustered the courage to ask a pressing question. "If I may ask, is there something going on? I can't help but notice how you struggle to meet Harry's gaze without blushing." Draco's eyes avoided Sirius's gaze, confirming what the older man had suspected all along.

A faint blush tinted Draco's cheeks, betraying his secret crush on Harry.

Uncertain of how to respond, Draco hesitated for a moment before finally mustering the courage to reply. "Well, Sirius," Draco admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "There might be something more than friendship on my mind. But for now, let's keep it between us, alright?" Sirius, true to his word, nodded understandingly, respecting Draco's request to keep their conversation confidential.

Rising to his feet, Sirius found himself momentarily distracted, his ADHD causing the focus to shift. Draco, similarly affected by the condition, couldn't help but find himself drawn into the momentary diversion.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Sirius located the blow-up mattress and the accompanying pump. He inflated the mattress methodically, a task that became slightly challenging with the occasional diversion of thought. Nonetheless, he persevered and skillfully set up the mattress, making sure it was comfortable for Draco's night's rest.

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