Dancing with your ghost

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On Monday morning, Harry and Draco, both sixteen years old, strolled hand in hand towards the school entrance. However, they reluctantly let go of each other's hands upon reaching the student entrance.

As they made their way inside, walking side by side, Harry inquired about their first classes, "What do you have first?" Draco responded with a hint of curiosity, "Child studies. And you?" Harry grinned, "I've got Photography first." They continued walking together, climbing the stairs to the first floor.

Suddenly, a bully carelessly bumped into Draco on the crowded staircase. Draco glared at the bully, and he reciprocated the gaze, uttering cruel words, "Look who's here, the little gay boy." Unfazed, Draco chose to walk away, leaving Harry behind. Concerned, Harry hurriedly followed Draco's footsteps, calling out, "Draco, please come back here."

As Harry followed Draco's footsteps, he noticed that the blonde had disappeared from the corridor they were in. Concerned, Harry picked up his pace and searched for Draco. His heart sank as he saw Draco surrounded by three bullies in a different corridor. The bullies had grabbed Draco's tie and were trying to choke him.

Harry knew that fighting wasn't allowed in schools, but he couldn't just stand there and watch his boyfriend be attacked. He quickly grabbed Draco by the waist and pulled him back, leading him towards the male bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, Harry closed the door of a stall and sat on the closed toilet lid. He pulled Draco onto his lap and held him tightly, noticing the puffy teary face of his boyfriend. Harry asked, "Let's get you sorted, baby. Are you okay? Do you have any exams today?" Draco nodded, "My Child Studies mock exam... I don't think I can go now." Harry reassured him, "Don't worry about it. We'll figure something out. Right now, let's just make sure you're okay."

Harry gently wiped away Draco's tears and held him close. Harry helped him up and walked him out of the bathroom, making sure that they avoided any potential danger. As they walked out of the bathroom, Harry asked Draco if he wanted to skip school for the day. Draco hesitated at first but eventually agreed.

As Harry and Draco arrived at Draco's house, the front door swung open to reveal Narcissa, Draco's concerned mother. She looked at them both with worry etched on her face and asked Harry, "Harry, sweetie, what happened to my son?" Draco nervously scratched at his neck, avoiding eye contact, and quickly made his way upstairs to his bedroom without responding.

Sensing the urgency, Harry followed him, determined to comfort his boyfriend.

Once inside Draco's bedroom, Harry settled in next to Draco. He noticed the serene cottage core aesthetic of the room, with soft pastel colours and delicate floral patterns. Draco's bed beckoned him, and Harry gently urged Draco, "Sit up, baby. Let me cuddle you." Draco, still visibly upset and fighting back tears, obliged and shifted to sit up against the headboard.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's trembling form, pulling him into a comforting embrace. They stayed like that for a while, finding solace in each other's presence. Draco felt a wave of relief wash over him as Harry's warm embrace enveloped him. He buried his face in Harry's chest and let the tears flow, releasing the pent-up emotions from the distressing encounter at school. Harry soothingly stroked Draco's back, providing a safe space for him to let it all out.

Understanding the importance of their connection and the need for reassurance, Harry whispered softly, "I'm here, Draco. I won't ever let anyone hurt you like that. You're safe with me, always." Draco, nestled in Harry's comforting arms, found solace in his words. The tears began to subside, replaced by a sense of security and love.

Harry continued to hold Draco tightly in his lap, offering comfort and security. As they sought solace in each other, Lucius, Draco's father, walked into the room. He approached his son slowly and gently asked, "Hey son, can I sit down?" Draco nodded silently, still hiding his face in Harry's chest.

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