That's What I like

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On the same June 28th night, Draco settled down in the Assembly Hall while Harry was occupied in the bathroom. As Harry made his way back into the hall, Draco rose from his seat and approached him. "Care for a dance?" Harry inquired, extending his hand towards Draco. Draco willingly clasped Harry's hand, and with a smile, Harry moved backwards. Draco followed suit, ensuring their movements remained sensible and not overly playful like his boyfriend's.

Meanwhile, Luna noticed the lively exchange between her friends and decided to join in. She tapped Draco on the shoulder, causing him to turn around and face her. "Hey," Draco greeted her warmly. Luna responded with a shy "Hi." Draco released Harry's hands and took hold of Luna's instead, intertwining them with his own. "Where has my happy, beautiful best friend vanished to?" he inquired gently. Luna replied with a sorrowful sigh, "Gone out the window..." Feeling her distress, Draco enveloped her in a comforting embrace, and she reciprocated the gesture. Sensing her chill, Draco took off his dark red velvet suit blazer and wrapped it protectively around his best friend.

Luna slipped her arms into her best friend's blazer, finding solace in its warmth. As she adjusted to the comforting embrace, Harry playfully tugged Draco away, amusing himself with a hearty laugh. Pulling Draco into the vibrant crowd, Harry wore a mischievous grin. Draco gazed back at Harry and chuckled, playfully resisting his advances. "No, no, not this," Draco insisted, running away from his boyfriend and seeking refuge with his best friend, Luna.

Breathless from the chase, Draco approached Luna with an apologetic smile. "Hey, sorry about that. Harry was relentlessly trying to make me dance with him," he explained. Luna nodded understandingly. "Oh, Draco," she sighed, her voice filled with empathy.

Curious about their plans after Prom, Luna asked, "So, what are we thinking? After this, I mean." Draco pondered for a moment before replying, "I was actually thinking we could all head back to my place. My parents are out for the night, and we could play some games, just chill together with a few friends. Is your girlfriend joining us?" Draco questioned, glancing at Luna with genuine curiosity. Luna shook her head gently, her eyes brimming with tears.

The sadness weighed heavy upon her, and Draco instinctively pulled her into a comforting embrace, offering a shoulder to lean on.

Luna returned Draco's hug tightly, finding solace in her best friend's comforting presence. She clung to him, not ready to let go just yet. However, Draco's attention was diverted as he noticed someone passing by, catching sight of them out of the corner of his eye. Before he could fully register who it was, Luna locked eyes with him and hastily broke away from their embrace, rushing out of the assembly hall.

Concerned, Draco sprinted after her, catching up and grasping Luna's hand firmly in his own. He could sense the unease in her voice as she spoke softly, "Draco, did you see who that was?" Baffled, Draco questioned, "No... Who was it?" Luna's voice quivered as she replied, "It was my girlfriend."

Just as she uttered those words, Pansy emerged from the hall, striding confidently towards them. She donned a striking black suit that enhanced her masculine lesbian features, her shoulder-length dark hair framing her face.

Pansy approached Luna with a playful demeanour, greeting her with a flirtatious smile. "Well, hello gorgeous," she said, closing the distance between them. Pansy then proceeded to twirl Luna around in a graceful circle, showcasing her own sense of style and charisma.

Luna leaned into the comforting embrace of her girlfriend's chest, seeking solace in her presence. Pansy noticed the blazer Luna wore and couldn't help but inquire, a hint of concern in her voice, "Darling, whose blazer are you wearing?" Luna hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's Draco's... I was feeling cold." She didn't want Pansy to be upset with her, fearing it could strain their relationship.

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