Before He Cheats

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On June 28th, Draco found himself in his bedroom, preparing for the year 11 Prom. A dark red velvet suit clung to his figure, enhancing his confidence. Admiring himself in the mirror, Draco ran his hands down his chest and relished the way the black trousers embraced his legs. With a satisfied smile, he proceeded to put on his dark red blazer.

Just as he was adjusting the sleeves, a gentle knock echoed through the door. Narcissa, his mother, entered with an approving expression on her face. "Oh, my dear, you look absolutely stunning," she complimented, approaching Draco. Grateful for her kind words, Draco returned her smile.

Curiosity got the better of Narcissa as she inquired about his prom date. Draco's cheeks flushed slightly as he couldn't contain his excitement. "It's Harry," he revealed, the name causing an uncontrollable grin to spread across his face.

Narcissa approached Draco from behind and reached for his hairbrush, gently running it through his locks with a tender touch. "So, my dear, will we be keeping your hair down?" she inquired, her voice filled with a motherly concern. "Yes, Mum," Draco replied, a touch of hesitation in his voice. "Actually, my flower crown is already on my mirror. Can I wear it with my suit?" he asked eagerly, hoping for his mother's approval.

A warm smile graced Narcissa's lips as she reassured him. "Darling, of course you can wear it. But which flower crown are you referring to?" she questioned, scanning the shelf near the mirror where various flower crowns were displayed.

With a hint of excitement, Draco pointed out the one he had in mind. "It's the pink and blue crown, Mum," he replied, anticipation evident in his eyes. Narcissa gently picked up the floral accessory and walked over to Draco. She carefully positioned the crown on his head, making sure it complemented his suit flawlessly. Draco beamed, appreciating his mother's assistance in getting his hair and the crown just right.

As she finished adjusting the crown, a sense of pride welled up inside Narcissa. She looked at her son, a mixture of adoration and love shining in her eyes. "You look absolutely stunning, my dear," she whispered, her voice filled with affection. Draco's smile brightened even more, grateful for his mother's unwavering support. With their bond stronger than ever, he was now ready to attend the prom, radiating confidence and anticipation.

After meticulously fluffing up his hair for added volume, Draco heard the doorbell ring. A surge of excitement coursed through him as he hastily made his way past his mother and rushed downstairs to open the door.

There stood Harry, looking stunning in a dark blue velvet suit that accentuated his handsome features. "Oh, Draco... you look absolutely beautiful," Harry remarked, his eyes filled with admiration as he stepped into the house. Draco's heart swelled with joy, and he warmly embraced Harry, returning the tight hug. "Thank you. You look incredibly handsome," Draco complimented, pulling away with a radiant smile.

As they steadied themselves, Harry brought up an important point. "We are the first gay couple to attend prom together. Are you ready?" he asked, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. Draco nodded eagerly, feeling a mix of nervousness and elation. "Yes, I am. Our car is just down the road. My parents have arranged for a white Range Rover, and it should be arriving in about five minutes. So, Lucius, would you be honoured to drive us to the school?" Harry extended the invitation, turning to Draco's father.

Lucius, Draco's father, regarded Harry for a moment before approaching him with a sense of dignity. "I would be honoured, indeed," he responded, his voice filled with sincerity. With a newfound sense of unity and acceptance between them, they prepared to embark on a remarkable journey as a family, setting off towards the prom in the elegant white Range Rover.

As they arrived at the school, Draco peered out the window, taking in the sight of the bustling campus. A mixture of nerves and excitement bubbled within him. Harry stepped out of the car, immediately making his way over to Draco's side.

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