The Prettiest Star

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It was early morning on a sunny Saturday when Draco began to stir from his sleep. As he slowly stretched and rubbed his eyes, his mother, Narcissa, quietly entered the room, a mysterious smile dancing on her lips. "Darling, we have some guests coming over today," she announced, her tone soothing but full of excitement.

Draco, his voice still groggy with sleep, looked at his mother with a mix of curiosity and exhaustion. "Who, mum?" he inquired, his eyebrow raised. "And, please, remember to knock next time before barging into my room when I'm barely awake."

Narcissa gracefully settled herself on the edge of her son's bed, her expression gentle yet eager. "Darling, have you ever heard of the Marauders?" she gently inquired, her eyes searching Draco's face for any flicker of recognition.

Draco's eyes widened in surprise as his mother disclosed the intricate details of the Marauders and their connections. His mind raced to process the newfound information, each name stirring a different emotion within him.

He couldn't help but feel a mix of fascination and scepticism, knowing how tangled and secretive their lives seemed to be. "So, Sirius and Remus are together. I know that bit, but forgot." Draco repeated softly, his voice laced with intrigue. "And James Potter is Harry's father... But no one knows if they truly died?" He leaned forward, absorbing every word that fell from his mother's lips, his curiosity piqued. Narcissa nodded, her eyes conveying a sense of understanding. "Yes, darling. It's all rather complicated and mysterious. There are many hidden truths and obscured facts surrounding their stories. But it seems that these connections go deeper than we could have imagined." Draco took a moment to process his mother's words, his mind swirling with newfound knowledge.

As Narcissa mentioned Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes, Draco's thoughts shifted to his own life and the people he knew. He began to connect the dots, realising the intricate web of relationships extending even beyond his family. "Marlene McKinnon... my Musical Production teacher? Married to Dorcas Meadowes, one of your closest friends?" Draco repeated in astonishment, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

His perception of his own world expanded as he started to grasp the interconnectedness of their lives. It was as if their personal stories intertwined effortlessly, weaving together a tapestry of secrets and revelations.

Narcissa nodded again, a fond smile gracing her features. "Yes, darling. Life has its own way of weaving unexpected connections." Draco's curiosity burned brighter than ever as he contemplated the intricate network of relationships that now unravelled before him.

Dressed in his carefully chosen attire, Draco descended the staircase at 11am, his steps echoing softly through the hallway. His light purple and white roll neck jumper paired seamlessly with his light blue high rise jeans, accentuating his stylish yet laid-back aesthetic. Long curls cascaded down his shoulders, the result of the hair curlers he had meticulously placed earlier that morning.

At that moment, Lucius, wearing comfortably fitting jeans and a casual top, entered the hallway. A genuine smile graced his face as he laid his eyes upon his son. "You look absolutely stunning, Draco," he complimented warmly, closing the distance between them. Draco's smile widened in response to his father's kind words, his gaze shifting momentarily to his socks adorned with white roses on a pink background.

Feeling a surge of happiness, he playfully skipped his way into the inviting embrace of the living room, embracing the comforting atmosphere of their home.

Within moments, Narcissa's voice floated towards Draco, beckoning him to the kitchen. "Draco, darling! Come and try this for me!" she called out, her tone filled with eagerness. Curiosity piqued, he made his way towards her, stepping into the warm, inviting space.

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