Perfectly Broken

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On January 5th, Draco was preparing himself for his return to college when Narcissa entered his bedroom. She greeted him softly, "Morning. Your college emailed me today and mentioned that your first year is already over. You don't have to go back if you don't want to." Draco's expression shifted, and he glanced down at the carpet. "Oh," he muttered. Grabbing his pyjamas from the bed, he added, "I'll change then." Narcissa left the room to give him some privacy.

Once Draco had slipped into his pyjamas, he stretched out on his bed, surveying the familiar surroundings. His eyes fell upon his iPad, lying on the floor and being charged. As he picked it up, Draco couldn't help but smile at the missed FaceTime call from Harry.

Draco's heart sank as he attempted to reach Harry through FaceTime, only to be met with silence. Worried, he anxiously waited for a response, clinging to the hope that everything was alright. Desperation consumed him until a notification on his iPad caught his attention. It was a message on Instagram from Harry.

With trembling fingers, Draco opened the message and his heart shattered as he read the words: "Sorry... We're done. You just want me all the time when I want a real relationship..." His vision blurred as tears welled up in his eyes. Feeling the weight of loneliness pressing down on him, he cast his gaze around the room, seeking any solace he could find.

Overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, Draco collapsed onto his bed, his body quivering with grief. Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to comprehend the loss he was experiencing. The room suddenly felt like a prison, the memories of Harry echoing within its walls. In his anguish, Draco let out a choked sob, the pain flooding out of him uncontrollably. It was a moment of utter vulnerability, as he mourned the loss of what he had believed was a real connection.

Narcissa's heart ached as she witnessed her son's pain from walking to put the washing away upstairs, his emotions spilling out in a torrent of tears and despair. Without a moment's hesitation, she hurried to his side, perching herself on the edge of his bed.

But as she reached out to comfort him, Draco pushed her away, his anguish palpable. "Harry... he cheated," Draco choked out between sobs, his voice filled with sorrow and betrayal. Narcissa's heart sank at the revelation, anger seeping into her protective instincts.

Wrapping her arms around her son, she pulled him into a tight embrace, allowing him to grip onto her for support as he cried into her shoulder. Gently stroking Draco's hair, Narcissa whispered soothing words, her voice laced with fierce protectiveness. "Shh... I'm here, my love. He should not be hurting my little boy like this." Draco nodded, wiping away his tears, finding a flicker of solace in his mother's comforting presence. Determined to address the situation, Draco unlocked his phone, desperate for a solution.

Searching through his contacts, he found Sirius, Harry's adopted father, and dialled his number. The familiar voice of Sirius filled the line as he answered, concern evident. "Draco?" Sirius questioned, his voice wavering with worry. Taking a deep breath, Draco revealed the painful truth. "Sirius... It's me. Me and Harry have broken up because he cheated on me." The words hung heavy in the air, his voice laced with sorrow. Sirius sighed heavily on the other end of the line, a mix of disappointment and concern. "Oh, cub. I'm truly sorry to hear that. I'll have a word with him when he gets home from college at 1, and then I'll bring him round to talk to you."

Draco nodded, grateful for the support. "Okay. Thank you, Sirius," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude. "Of course, cub," Sirius replied, his voice filled with warmth. A small smile graced his lips even though Draco couldn't see it. "Once I talk to him, I'll bring him over." "Okay, thanks again, Sirius," Draco said softly, expressing his appreciation before he hung up the call.

As he set his phone down, a glimmer of hope emerged within him—hope that resolution and understanding could emerge from this heart-wrenching situation, and that eventually, the pain would subside.

The clock struck 1:30 pm, marking the agreed-upon time for Sirius and Harry to arrive at Draco's house. Still feeling numb, Draco lay on the sofa, his mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. As he glanced around the living room, Narcissa entered, her stern expression betraying her concern.

"Darling... Sirius is here," Narcissa informed him gently. Draco nodded, slowly rising from the sofa, his body feeling heavy with tension. "Is he with Harry?" Draco inquired, his voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Narcissa nodded, confirming his question. "He is, yeah," she responded softly.

Resolute, Draco made his way out of the living room and into the hallway. He opened the front door, revealing Sirius and Harry standing outside. Harry's gaze locked with Draco's, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. Without uttering a word, Draco stepped aside, inviting them inside.

Harry cautiously entered the house, his steps hesitant, and followed Draco into the living room. They settled into their respective seats, Draco on the sofa and Harry on the armchair, facing each other.

The room fell silent, the tension between them palpable. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Draco's voice emerged, laced with harshness and hurt. Harry took a deep breath, his eyes brimming with remorse as he prepared to explain himself. "Listen. I'm really sorry... He's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend, and he had my phone and did that. I don't know why, but he did, and it was really annoying," Harry explained, desperation colouring his words. Draco nodded, his expression softening as he walked over to where Harry sat.

Standing between his legs, Draco settled himself onto Harry's lap, resting sideways. Harry instinctively wrapped an arm around Draco's waist, holding him gently.

It was a familiar position, a silent affirmation of their closeness. "I'm still sorry though," Harry repeated, his voice tinged with sadness. Draco looked directly into his eyes, their gazes locked. With a mixture of vulnerability and love, Draco spoke softly. "I know you are, and it's okay," he said, accepting Harry's apology. As they leaned into each other's embrace, their love bridged the divide, offering solace and hope for a better tomorrow.

The morning sunlight cast a warm glow into the room as Harry's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of Draco peacefully sleeping next to him. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he traced a gentle path down Draco's back, relishing in the comforting sensation.

With the day off from college, Harry felt a surge of contentment knowing he could spend this precious time with Draco. Carefully sitting up, he manoeuvred himself into a comfortable position, bringing Draco's head into his lap.

Almost instinctively, Draco's arms wrapped around Harry's left thigh, his head finding solace on Harry's right thigh, holding onto him tightly.

Harry's heart swelled with affection as he ran his fingers through Draco's tousled hair.

As Draco's eyes lazily opened, his gaze meeting Harry's, a small smile graced his lips. "Good morning," Draco softly greeted, his voice laced with sleepiness. Harry's own smile widened, his adoration for Draco overflowing. "Good morning, baby," Harry replied, his voice filled with tenderness as he adored Draco's morning appearance.

Draco's smile brightened at the endearing nickname, feeling a surge of warmth fill his heart.

Closing the distance between them, Draco reached up and pressed a soft kiss against Harry's lips, their affectionate connection reaffirming their love.

Harry couldn't help but smile against Draco's lips, his happiness echoing through their kiss. Pulling Draco up and into his arms, he held him close and comfortingly tight. Their embrace spoke volumes, expressing the depth of their connection and the devotion they shared.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they found solace and strength, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

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