You Found Me

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The next morning, Draco stirred awake at 9am to get ready for work, while Harry still lay peacefully asleep next to him. Draco hesitated, feeling Harry's tight grip on him. Gently removing Harry's arm from his waist, Draco whispered, "Harry, I have to go to work." Half-asleep, Harry murmured, "No, stay here," and pulled Draco back into a warm embrace.

Unable to resist, Draco allowed himself to be cuddled by Harry once more before gently untangling himself and planting a soft kiss on Harry's lips. Harry smiled sleepily and reciprocated the kiss, pulling Draco on top of him.

Their kiss deepened, their tongues intertwining in a passionate dance as Draco pressed his body against Harry's. Harry's hands slid down to Draco's hips, drawing him in closer. As their kiss grew more intense, Draco pulled away for a moment, looking into Harry's eyes with surprise, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.

Draco chuckled at Harry's bold words, feeling a mixture of desire and amusement. "You are impossible," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "Fine, I'll go to work. But you better keep your promise for tonight." As Draco made a move to leave the bed, Harry swiftly grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him in for another heated kiss.

Draco couldn't help but melt into the moment, feeling Harry's passion as he teased him. "Stop teasing me, sleepy face," Draco teased with a playful smile, but Harry's gaze held a promise of desire that made Draco's heart race. "I won't stop until you decide to stay," Harry replied, his tone filled with mischief.

Draco raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "So you just want to keep me in bed all day, is that it?" "Maybe," Harry said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "But first, shower sex sounds like a good start. And I can't wait to have you bent over, with the water as our only barrier." Draco's cheeks flushed at Harry's words, feeling the undeniable pull between them.

As he felt his pyjama bottoms tighten with desire, he knew that work could wait for the promise of a passionate night with the man he loved.

Draco looked at Harry with an amused expression as he spoke those words aloud: "Fine," he said slowly but firmly this time around, "you've convinced me enough." Draco added, "I would've finished at 2pm today anyways, so there was probably no point at all going in."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered and grinned. "See, I knew you'd come around," he said, pulling Draco back into bed.

Draco pulled out his phone and sent a message to his manager, informing him that he wouldn't be in that morning due to a sudden "illness."

He turned his attention back to Harry, who was already getting out of bed and walking across the hallway to the kitchen. "Oi horny bastard!" Harry called out, and Draco laughed, following him into the kitchen. "What sleepy face?" Draco teased back, getting up onto the counter to watch Harry prepare breakfast.

Harry turned to Draco with a mischievous grin. "Breakfast first," he said, "then we'll move to the shower once we've eaten something." Draco's heart skipped a beat at the thought of what was to come, but he couldn't help but feel grateful for Harry's persistence. As they ate their breakfast, Draco couldn't help but steal glances at Harry, feeling the undeniable pull between them.

After breakfast, they made their way to the shower, and Draco felt his body come alive as Harry's hands explored his every inch. As the water cascaded down around them, Draco felt a sense of freedom and passion that he had never experienced before.

It was later that afternoon, and Draco was sitting comfortably on the sofa when Harry walked into the living room. "Hey, beautiful," Harry greeted, sitting down beside his fiance. Draco smiled and returned the gesture by kissing Harry's cheek softly.

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