Revelation - Jin

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"I don't want to! Leave me alone!"

Let's play

You felt the blood rush into your right arm with an intense amount of strength you've never felt before. Your arm lunged out of Rosé's grip, grabbed the gun she was holding and shot Jennie in her left shoulder in one swift movement. She fell down the bow, slipping from her hands as she swore and shouted at you. But you felt like your head was underwater. Mindlessly, your hand swung over to Jisoo, pointing the gun at her head, and pulled the trigger. *click* the gun was empty. A gasp of shock but relief left your lips, followed quickly by a frustrated growl.

No fuN

Your hand threw the gun at Jisoo and quickly spun around to catch Lisa's knives in your hands as she brought them down on you, the blades cutting into your flesh. But you felt nothing. Struggling to fight against Lisa's strength, you felt Rosé kick the back of your knee, bringing you down onto the floor, the knives still pushing into your grasp. "Please stop." You whimpered under your breath, half saying it to Lisa and half saying it to yourself. You were tired and confused and just wanted clarity.

While on your knees, you glanced behind Lisa as Rosé tried to pull your hands away from the knives. Who is è Lisa? It was that girl you saw. Long black hair, covered in blood from head to toe but she was pale like...a ghost. She was crying this time and standing over Jennie who was still suffering from her shoulder wound. Is it.... the sister?

She was fun to kill

But before you could come to a conclusion a hand pulled you away and held your shoulders, your hands slipping away from the knives.

"Look at me. Stop this. This isn't you. You know that." Two hands shook your shoulders as you struggled against the man's grip. You couldn't hear or see who it was. The rage was too strong the desire to....kill... was too strong and you hated every moment of it.

"Its me, Jin, I've got you." Suddenly the two large hands gently took your face and pulled you close. And then you felt it. A kiss.

What is this?

No... nO

The warmth and softness seemed to melt the rage into a feeling of calm.
The additional voice faded away and your once tense muscles relax and you fall into the kiss. Your breath slows, your racing heart begins to fall into rhythm with his. Slowly you open your eyes. And the red is gone, you can hear clearly and Jin is standing in front of you gazing into your eyes, checking to see if you are back - the real you.

You couldn't say anything, just a sigh of relief and a soft thank you left your lips. The others in the room fell silent and began to gather themselves. Luckily the wounds were not fatal, and it almost seemed like they were used to this.

Still grasping your face Jin began to speak with a gentle and forgiving tone.

"You've noticed that you've been blacking out." Said Jin in a calm voice. You hesitated to reply. But eventually a weak "yes" released from your throat. "You remember the rooftop?" Jin looked up at you slightly.
"That girl, she was scared of me. She acted as she had seen me before."

"Stabbed her?" You suddenly became more aware of your heartbeat as your body began to feel cold at the memory of her dead body laying on the ground. "She knew about what had happened to Jennie's sister and saw pictures of you before we took you away. And...I didn't stab her. Y/N. Do you really not remember anything else that happened that night?" What did he mean by that? Thinking back, you closed your eyes for a few seconds and then...she was dead. You never actually saw him stab her. "But if you didn't then... who did? You had blood on your hands after it happened. I dont understand, what are you trying to say?" Feeling your head spinning with concern and confusion once again you looked up and stared into his eyes as if trying to get answers from him.

"In this world, there are cursed people. Evil spirits latch onto them and use them as puppets to act out unfulfilled desires. Then the people killed by evil spirits...become evil spirits." He said, watching for your reaction.

"Like Jennie's sister upstairs." You said hesitantly.
"Unfortunately, yes. And all the girls in the pictures you saw." He hesitated as he saw your eyes lose all hope and life in them.
"That is why your mother hired us to... help you." You looked up at him abruptly in disbelief that your own mother would put you through that.

Seeing your reaction Jin quickly continued. "But don't worry we update her on your condition and..." He let out a sigh realising how bad it sounds. "She felt it was too hard to see her own daughter get taken away but she still loves you, she needed to help you."

You were confused. You didn't know how to feel. On one hand you understood your mother's emotions but on the other hand it doesn't change the fact that it was terrifying. And it still is.

"Why did know one tell me?" You enquired.
"We were going to but we were interrupted by the BP." He said glaring up towards the 4 girls standing together tending to each other's wounds.

As you turn towards them following Jin's eyes, Lisa finished off wrapping a bandage over Jennie's shoulder and stated "We are BTS's rival company. We also deal with people like you, but not usually like this."
"Yeah, this one was personal." Jennie said wincing at Lisa who tightened her bandage harshly as a warning.

"Look I don't know how, when or where I killed your sister but I am so, so sorry. It was not me. Well, it was but... I don't know what I can do." You stammered feeling dirty and tainted by the blood of all the people you had killed and cursed unwillingly. You began to feel hot tears run down your cheeks and neck. Jennie just quietly stared at you, her eyes tearing up. "Just... stay out of my way." Jennie turned and shoved past the men surrounding the girls. "I'm getting my sister. Cursed or not she deserved a proper burial." She mumbles stomping up the stairs with the cross bow slung on her back. The 3 other girls followed her with Lisa stopping for a second, turning to Jin and says "You will deal with her properly or we will be back." Then she continued to leave up the stairs with the rest of the girls.

"So what do we do now? What will happen to me?" You asked still aimlessly staring after the girls going up the stairs. "Now that you know what's happening, mostly, the exorcism will be easier." Jin replied

"THE WHAT?" You whipped around in absolute disbelief and fear. "I'm joking." He said chuckling "it will take a while but we will teach you how to resist the spirit and eventually poof they will be gone." He said gesturing the...*p o o f* with his hands. It seemed a bit vague but you shrugged and said "okay... I will try. But what about all the... you know dead and cursed people you mentioned that I created?" He moved you hair behind your ear and said gently "We will handle it. It is our job. Your job is to relax and focus on standing against the spirit. You're not alone." He smiled gently and leaned in for a gentle reassuring kiss, which you of course reciprocated.

"By the way." You said quietly after the kiss. Jin hummed in response. A smile creeped onto your face "I think the kissing helps." And you both smiled with a cheeky grin and embraced for a while.

You felt a massive weight lift off of your shoulders. You had so many more questions but for now you needed to rest and let the future of your time in the mansion unfold.

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