You looked up at the ceiling, breathing heavily in excitement, your eyes closing thinking about what you could possibly do, but suddenly a shudder fell through the house. They're gone.
Your eyes peeled open and a sly grin slid into your face as you stepped out of the bath onto the mat. You grabbed a towel from the side and began to dry your body, and hair since you had no idea where the hairdryer was.
Afterwards you got dressed into a baby pink skater skirt with a tucked in, light blue, sweater. While getting dressed, you wondered how the hell they had clothes that fit you perfectly when you didn't even know them and literally just got kidnapped.
Brushing off the thought, your curiosity grew about the house itself and it dragged you out of the room and back upstairs. The light streamed through the front windows and onto your face as you began to wonder around the front room.
Your gaze caught three flashing red lights surrounding the front doorway. As you looked closer, you made them out to be cameras, security cameras. You innocently walked up to them, hands behind your back, and smiled brightly at the cameras, before turning around and putting your middle finger up at them behind your back, and walking away.
You looked around a bit more and realised that there were no extra rooms around the area. So instead you decided to travel upstairs, stopping at the two way corridor.
You looked left - been there done that, just the other men's rooms and some statues (again). Then you looked to the right. There were 6 doors, 3 on each side of the corridor.
You began to walk to the right, curiosity dragging you along. You walked up to the first door on the left side and rested your hand on the handle, pushing it open. As you opened the door you saw that it was just a mere bathroom. White tiles on the wall and floor, a small mirror cupboard on the right above a sink and a large open shower in the left hand corner.
You didn't find it that interesting resulting in you backing out and closing the door behind you. You started for the next room which was straight ahead, and opened it revealing another very empty room.
However this room had a random, large wardrobe at the end of it. You tilted your head and frowned in confusion, as you looked closer to notice heavy chains wrapped around it, a large padlock keeping them in place.
"This is some Narnia shit." You said to yourself, slightly amused but wondering why there would be a chained wardrobe. What could possibly be in it? Your eyes slowly dragged around the room admiring the barren walls, hoping for something else interesting. Nothing except for another security camera, blinking an orange light at you as if it's warning you off.
You ignored the camera watching you and walked towards the wardrobe, reaching out for it and touching the door. Your hand slid down to the chain, gripping it, and tugging it. You soon have up and glanced back up at the camera. It's light was now red.
Not breaking your gaze on the camera, you slowly backed away noticing the light change from orange to green again. You soon realised that the closer you get to the protected object, the colour would change from "okay that's fine." To "um excuse me back the hell off" to "get the fuck away from that you bi-" anyway...
You gave up and walked out hoping that it wasn't a dead body in there or something. On your way out you quickly came to the realisation that the other rooms would probably be spare empty rooms, so you skipped them and decided to head towards the door at the end of corridor.
There were two cameras either side of the door which had flashing red lights on as you stood closer to the door. You decided to blatantly ignore them, due to your curiosity, and grip the door handle twisting it.
However, something made you hesitate. The lights on the cameras meant stay away, obviously, so what if you got caught? But they won't be coming back for a while right? Besides of the room was really that important, they would have an alarm going off or something.
After having an inner debate you took a deep breath and twisted the door knob with a click, pushing it open. The door creaked open to reveal an incredible and kind of creepy sight.
The room was lit with a deep blue light, and had no windows to let in real sunlight. The room had a dark feel about it, the atmosphere was cold and creepy and sent shivers down your spine.
But as you looked closer, you noticed on the walls that there were pictures, photographs of different people. All of them girls in fact and each of the small photos had a profile and a load of notes and writing around them on post-it notes and scrap pieces of paper.
Everything looked like it had been put together and left there in a rush. More photos scattered across the three desks there were, one for each wall that took up that whole length of the wall. Books were also not closed with certain bits torn out of them leaving screwed up pieces of paper lying around on the floor and desks. It was a mess.
You slowly walked closer to the left desk and began to scan the wall in front of you. There were pictures of young girls roughly the age of 18 upwards, and then there were some girls who looked like they were in their 20s.
Your eyes widened at the gruesome picture of a young girl tied up on the ground laying in what looked like a pool of blood. You gasped and stumbled back knocking over a pile of books, resulting in pages of notes and paper sent flying to the ground and under the desk.
You gritted your teeth in regret and shame and began to pick them up, when you noticed a looming, human shaped shadow creep over the scattered paper you dropped. "What, do you think, you are doing..."

Bts - Kidnapped
Fanfiction~Written from reader's perspective You're an average teenage girl who is left alone for one night. However, just before you are about to go to bed a strange figure creeps into your room. The next thing you know you are somewhere unknown, in a stran...