Clean Up - Jungkook

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Your head was pounding and you had a cold sweat. Groaning, you opened your eyes to immediately be attacked by a blinding white light, resulting in you immediately squeezing your eyes shut while wincing in pain.

As you finally came to your senses, you realised that you were laying down an your head was rested on something firm but comfortable. You opened your eyes barely, trying to decipher where you were, until you noticed a shadow suddenly fell across your sight, enabling you to see clearer.

The first thing you saw was a hand, shielding your eyes from the painful light. However, as you looked closer, past the hand, you noticed a glimpse of who looked like Jungkook. Your head was on his lap and he was looking down at you with a smirk.

Immediately you panicked and rolled off of the surface you were on, onto the floor and backed away quickly towards a door, banging your head hard in the process. Instinctually you grabbed your head and winced at the pain, that was now added on too of the headache you already had.

In the corner of your eye you saw Jungkook stand up from a box, bench thing. Presumably the one you were laying on. But before he could reach you, you stood up and backed away as far as you could against the door behind you, rattling the handle just in case you could run for it.

Seeing this, Jungkook giggled and stood, relaxed, with his hands in his pockets. "He left some marks then...." He said plainly, causing you to halt and look at him. Slowly he walked up to you and gently pulled you towards him, making you look dead into his soft eyes.

You felt his hand slip down from your arm to your hand, holding it gently in his and looking at it. Your gaze however, still remained on his face. He looked so beautiful. You wanted to hit yourself for thinking such a thing of him, especially after everything. But you couldn't help it. He backed away, pulling you with him and he pushes your body in front of his, facing a mirror above a faucet.

You stare at him in the reflection and saw him looking down at your neck, where the purple and red marks were, along with the cuts an extra bruises. You saw tears in his eyes, and your heart began to drop. You haven't seen this side of Jungkook before, well once in the cabin, and it was heartbreaking.

He swallowed his tears and said "I'm sorry (Y/N).....for everything he did to you." You were now the one trying to hold in tears. You didn't know why though, you shouldn't be feeling bad for someone who helped kidnap you.

He bit his lip and moved your hair away from your face, letting it fall down your shoulders. Finally he looked up at you in the mirror and then quickly averted his eyes downwards to grab a soft cloth. He ran it under the warm water an lifted it to your arm.

You felt him press the cloth to one of your cuts, gently, feeling the warm water run down your arm and hand, sending chills down your spine. He let out steady breathes as he cleaned the cuts.

He began to make his way down your arm and turned you to face him and lifting up your shirt to access the cuts on your stomach. He dabbed the cloth against your skin and wiped the remaining blood. He came back up, letting your shirt drop and he began to press the warm cloth against the wounds on your neck.

You felt relaxed so you closed you eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the cloth and Jungkook's body behind you. While you were relaxing and taking yourself away from the hectic, stressful reality, you suddenly felt the unfamiliar feeling of Jungkook's rough hands on the back of your neck. He was slowly making his way down to your shoulder, passing each cut.

However this time his gesture was more sincere and wasn't angry or harsh. Opening your eyes, you felt him stop and pull away from you, sitting back down onto the seat again.
He lowered his head into his hands and a deep sigh left his lips. "I need to stop."

"What? What do you mean 'stop'?" You asked him calmly. His hands fell from his eyes covering his mouth and mumbling the word "you." You were unbelievably confused and didn't know if to feel offended or not.

"Me?" You asked him "yes, you. I need to know...." You looked at him expecting a quicker answer but in return you got "stop falling in love.....with you." You were completely shocked at his words. You never expected him to fall in love with you. There had been no sign of it whatsoever. You only expected him to shove you around and treat you like a toy, not actual emotions.

It was silent apart from the low hum of the lights in the room and the breathing of you and Jungkook. "You should take a bath. Relax for a bit, recover from....." He trailed off, gesturing at your body, most likely suggesting to your wounds Jimin caused.

"No. I don't want to. I'll deal with it since they're not that bad." He simply looked at you with a raised eyebrow, sighed again and said "Fine then."

From then it was silent and you stood there facing each other while Jungkook looked you up and down with pity in his lingering gaze. However in order to brake the silence he said "let's just go to dinner, okay?" You nodded and both of you left the room.

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