Everyone in the circle sat still, the sounds of hitched breathes as people glanced around the room at each other, speechless of her suggestion. "W-what exactly are you planning with...that" Tae stuttered nervously as he gestured towards the knife. "Unji....I really dont thi-" Namjoon started, trying to get the knife off his crazy girlfriend. "No! Its fine. I'd like to see how good you are at sports." Unji slurred with a fake smile.
"I don't think there is a sport including knives..." Jin said trying to keep the atmosphere calm, especially with a clearly psychotic girl in the room. "Well there is now." She replied with a slightly pissed off tone in her voice. Everyone in the room began to start objecting to her suggestion, which she didn't seem to like and her face contorted in frustration as you saw her jaw clench.
This girl wanted everything her way and was not finding the objective comments amusing. This resulted in her swinging her arm up and stabbing the knife violently into the carpet in the middle of the circle. The room fell silent as her frustrated and heavy breathes replaced everyone's words instead. She flipped her back while sitting up and faked a smile, "let's go to the rooftop, its a perfect place for our activity." She got up and lead us to the rooftop.
As we walked out of the living room and up the stairs, Unji fell back behind the group and swiftly reached your side, staring at you. You tried to keep your gaze forward without giving her the attention, but her eyes were burning a while into your brain. "What. Is there something on my face?" You said plainly and sarcastically. "No. But I have a proposal." She said slyly. "What's that?" You replied, not actually caring what she was planning to say.
After walking down a corridor, you stopped at the end as you saw the others open a hatch and climb up the ladder to the rooftop. Unji held your arm as you kept your gaze on the boys going ahead. "Let's be friends." She said, but the look in her eyes showed fear. Why was she scared of you? Not saying anything, you looked into her fearful eyes and walked passed her climbing up the ladder without response. Fuck no.
As soon as you stepped up onto the rooftop, a gust of wind sent a chill over your body. It was night and the air was cold and dry and the rest of the boys were joking around smacking each other carelessly, causing laughter to erupt from the dark. You looked around the rooftop and out into the distance to see a beautiful sea of white and yellow lights that looked like a galaxy. You stood and stared at the lights in front of you, catching the attention of jhope.
Jhope slowly walked up to your side, swinging his arm around your shoulders, leaning into you. You began to think deeply about how much you missed everything. From how your mum would rush around in the morning to go to work, to the calm moments you had watching a movie and falling asleep on her shoulder half way through the movie. Your eyes began to tear up as you said "beautiful view from up here." But in response Jhope stared at you and said "I know."
You turned to him with a blushing face as he winked at you and walked to join the rest of the members who were gathered around a cluster of strange objects. You followed him starting to see the objects clearly, which turned out to be a box. The box you saw on the ground contained multiple knives in different shapes and sizes.
"Where the hell did she get these from?" Tae mumbled under his breath. You had no idea and definitely did not want to find out. You slowly looked up at the larger object which was a square wooden board with a white outline of a human. Fuck. Please this is ridiculous.
"I have decided on our activity. It's verrryyyy fun." Unji exclaimed from the back of the crowd around the equipment. A sneer was plastered on her face as she slurred her words and waved two knives around in her hands while talking. Crazy bitch. "Tonight we will be preparing you for the real world children." She giggled and sighed while slowly raising a hand to point somewhere near you. "Come." Unji said sternly while gesturing for you to stand next to her.
Slowly you walked over to her as she shoved a knife into your hand with a smirk. "Slowly you looked at the knife and back up to the crowd. Unji was now guiding the guys around and making them stand in particular places. She pushed them aside and grabbed one of he boys and placed them dead in front of the human-shaped target. Jimin. Why is it always him?
Everyone's eyes widened at the choice made by Unji. Eyes glanced back and forth between you and jimin, expecting further instructions. But nothing came. You and jimin exchanged glances a few times and he looked...almost scared. So he wasn't such a badass after all.
You felt a wave of anger and frustration course through you, resulting in your gaze turning into a glare, heading straight for jimin. Just like the knives will be. You suddenly thought of all the things he had done to you. Punished you for the smallest thing the unnecessary pain he caused you, mentally and physically. Your grip on the knife tightened as you slowly raised your arm to throw.
Your jaw clenched as you resisted the urge to hurt jimin. But for some reason you couldn't. What ever was happening inside of your head was not normal. Something from within was taking over you, your hands shaking and your body sweating.
"Do it." A voice from nowhere whispered. "Remember what I told you. They will mess with your head. It's always good to take a risk." It was the girl from before, in your trippy ass nightmare. She was yet again commanding you, telling you what the right decision was. Who are you?
Okay so I am INCREDIBLY SORRY for the immense delay that was happening. I just got caught up with life in general, a few things happened that caused me to break down lol but I'm fine. Hopefully I will get my friend to keep reminding me to update lol. Anyways thanks for not giving up on me haha.

Bts - Kidnapped
Fanfiction~Written from reader's perspective You're an average teenage girl who is left alone for one night. However, just before you are about to go to bed a strange figure creeps into your room. The next thing you know you are somewhere unknown, in a stran...