Suddenly you flew forward, your head spinning and aching from the crazy transition from nightmare to reality. Immediately you squeezed your eyes shut, and leant against your palms as pain shot from your head, down to your spine. The light blinds you as you peel your eyes open, and grip the covers that were placed over your lap.
Carefully you stepped out of the bed, looking around to see if Jungkook was still there, but you were greeted by silence instead. What the hell was that injection? What was with that crazy dream and that girl? Why were you still hesitating to leave the goddamn house when you could literally run for it as fast as you can out of the front door before they manage to catch you...but apparently that's not gonna happen because you are too stubborn to find out what's going on- anyway...
You finally decided to leave the bedroom, and find out where the hell everyone was, because it was way too quiet for them to be in the house...mansion...thing. As you stepped back out into the hall way, you began to notice the lights flickering, which started to creep you out a little bit. You turned to your right to see the staircase and started to walk towards it.
However, before you could make it to the staircase, you heard a subtle whisper coming from behind you and you froze. "Do it. Or else." Chills ran down your spine. NOPE. Quickly you continued down the staircase without looking behind you and finally landed at the bottom of them, immediately regretting it due to the intense headache you already had.
Out of breath, you stood still listening to any sounds or signs of the boys being here. You were expecting more emptiness, but you suddenly heard a quiet conversation coming from the other side of the living room door. Cautiously you creeped up to the wooden door and began to listen.
"We have to prepare. We have no time. They warned us" one of the voices said. They? Is that the 'they' Yoongi was talking about after he mashed his face into yours? Probably. But why did they seem so scared of...'them'? "It's going to be fine, they had no affect on us last time" another voice said. "But its going to be different this time. This time we have something to protect...her" a deep sigh was heard from the room, followed by a large bang, which scared the shit out of you causing you to squeal.
Immediately you slapped your hand over your mouth and held your breath. You tried to listen for any signs of movement or suspicion, but there was nothing. "Subtle, very subtle." A voice said from your right. You span round towards the voice to be greeted by a handsome and, obviously, very familiar face. Jimin. Again.
"Shit. Seriously...again?" You said sighing and removing your hand from your face. "Yup. Come on follow me." He turned around and headed for a small door, opening it and looking at you expectantly. Slightly scared of where he was taking you, you said "where does that go?" Your eyes flickered between the door and him as he answered with "it goes to a place for bad girls who misbehave and eeves drop on private meetings."
Slowly you approached the door, glancing at Jimin who had a sexy but intimidating stern look on his face. You had no choice but to obey him anywise it would make the situation worse and that was not an intelligent idea.
As you peered through the door way, you saw a staircase descending into shadows. A cold breath of icy air blew your hair behind your shoulders as you felt a gentle hand on your lower back. At least he wasn't going to throw you down the stairs.
Shakily you began to walk down the stairs, occasionally glancing behind you to see if Jimin was following you or planning on leaving you behind, trapped and alone. By the looks of this particular room, you certainly did not want to be left alone.
The room was not too small but was dark and smelled damp and old. The walls and floor were stone which lingered with the smell of metal for some reason. The room was completely empty, no chairs or furniture and no chests filled with torture devices. This did relieve you a little bit; knowing that you probably weren't going to get cut again. You heard the echo of the door upstairs shutting and the footsteps of Jimin, coming down the stairs. Before you could ask why you were down here, Jimin began to talk.
"We had a conversation yesterday. About your previous punishment..." He fell silent as if he wanted you to think what they could possibly have said about it. It worked very well because you were definitely wondering why they were talking about it. "Well, what did you discuss?" You asked tediously, kind of scared for the answer. "Well each of us had are individual opinions, and we managed to somehow settle on the idea that, the punishment was...too forgiving."
You felt your heart drop and your body tense. So he was planning on hurting and punishing you again. "So you're going to punish me again? For eeves dropping?" You asked despite already knowing the answer - "yes." But there was only one thing that you were confused about. The room was completely empty, there was no equipment to use, nothing.
"How? There's nothing in here..." You said as Jimin slowly walked towards you and leant against the wall behind you, trapping you in his arms. You looked into his angry looking eyes, and gulped nervously. Slowly he leaned in inches away from your lips. But you were not having it this time. Quickly you reacted by raising your hand and bringing it across Jimin's cheek, his body jolting to the left in response.
You remained silent, kind of regretting doing that, considering that he was about to punish you. Slowly he looked back at you, anger filling his eyes. "You really shouldn't have done that (y/n)" he said tauntingly. Again he reached beside you on the wall, resulting in a large clicking and grinding sound coming from the other side of the room. Shocked, you peaked around him, immediately regretting messing with him. "Oh my god. J-Jimin I'm sorry. What is that thing?!"

Bts - Kidnapped
Fanfiction~Written from reader's perspective You're an average teenage girl who is left alone for one night. However, just before you are about to go to bed a strange figure creeps into your room. The next thing you know you are somewhere unknown, in a stran...