Your mind was full of dark, negative thoughts, whirring endlessly in a loop, constantly reminding you of how stupid and arrogant you were. Thinking you could get away with exploring restricted, unknown places without permission.
You even saw the lights on the cameras turn red as you walked towards the restricted area. Idiot. What were you thinking?
It's been awhile. No movement or noises outside, just silence. The fire was dim now and barely gave off warmth, the coldness of the air lingering around you. Your hands were at your chest, clutching your shirt and your head was aching, probably a side effect from the crying.
You finally decided to move, your body stiff and aching from lying in the same position for an hour. You sat up your hair tangled and tears dried on your face. You let out a shaky breath staring into the embers of the previously alive fire.
You were bored out of your mind, waiting and doing nothing. Not like you were excited for more company, but you did want some kind of activity to do. In order to cure your boredom you decided to look around from where you were (preventing you from actually touching anything)
You looked behind you but saw nothing you hadn't already seen as you walked in, there was literally nothing but a chest on the other side of the room. You were curious of what was in it, but you didn't want to risk anything.
The darkness seeped into the cabin, surrounding you and making you feel cold and claustrophobic. Your eyes dragged around the room settling on picture frames that were placed on a shelf above the fireplace. You couldn't see them from that angle so you stood up carefully, and admired what seemed like pictures of 7 girls, kneeling in front of 7 boys who looked exactly like the men who kidnapped you.
As you looked closer, you saw that one of the girls' eyes were scrubbed over with black pen. The girl was in front of the man who looked similar to-
You couldn't finish the thought when you heard the front door rattle and open slowly. You spun around seeing the shadows that were casted across the man's face as he slowly, tauntingly walked in with his hands casually rested in his pockets. The door closed on its own, leaving you and the man standing, surrounded by silence and darkness.
"jimin...I-i....just please understand that I didn't mean to-" your panicked words were interrupted when you heard a jingling sound, like metal against metal, followed by Jimin pulling out a shiny object that appeared to be a bunch of keys on a ring.
You were curious of what all of those keys were for but there was one which stood out the most. It was the biggest one there, and looked more sophisticated and important. It had what looked like a copper snake winding itself around the large key, with red jewels for the eyes.
However instead of pulling out that one, Jimin selected a slightly smaller one which was a dark red colour and seemed used. He held up the key showing it to you, and then walked up to the chest you were previously curious about, and opened the chest with a click.
Briefly he paused before looking back at you, standing up from leaning over the chest, and out of the blue pulled out some hand cuffs from his back pocket. "How the fu-" you didn't get to finish your sentence when he walked up to you and pulled your wrists together clipping on the handcuffs and locking them.
Panic already through you and realisation of the situation hit you like a rock. You began to freak out and your breathes became quicker and heavier, your palms sweating and every swallow was a hard gulp. "Jimin please, no" you began as he pulled you to his chest.
You grabbed hold of his shirt and tears began to fall yet again, soaking his shirt in the process. You looked up at him with pleading eyes, but despite how desperate you were to stop him, a smirk remained on his face, his mind not changing whatsoever.
Roughly he pulled you off of his shirt but still kept you close to him, dragging your body forcefully over to the empty wall that was opposite the door. "Stay there sweetie" he said as he started to walk away from you in order to reach the chest again. You cringed in anger as well as sadness and panic at the nickname he used for you.
The reason why you weren't running was simply because there was no where to go, and the door appeared to be locked. Also you didn't have much physical or mental strength and energy in order to make a run for it; you'd fall straight away and get caught, therefore resulting in an even worse punishment. So basically don't run, like ever, just in general.
Finally you saw Jimin slowly rise with a heavy looking chain hanging from his hand, and a dark, sinister look on his face. Your heart was beating out of your chest at this moment, however your heart nearly stopped altogether when you saw what was in the other hand.
Knives, scalpels, metal rods that looked like they were meant for heating up, similar to the branding they do in cults and shit with scars and hot metal. You felt sick to the stomach and your tears stopped out of shock and your breathes shortened.
"Please no. Jimin, I beg you...don't"

Bts - Kidnapped
Fanfiction~Written from reader's perspective You're an average teenage girl who is left alone for one night. However, just before you are about to go to bed a strange figure creeps into your room. The next thing you know you are somewhere unknown, in a stran...