Chapter 1: Moving

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I didn't want to leave home at all. I felt so sad the entire car ride, and that was too damn long, 37 hours. LIKE REALLY! and also going to Jasper, Nevada. I would rather die in the freezing snow back in Canada then be in the hot heat 24/7. The sun and I don't mix. AT ALL!

Renting a moving truck and loading up in the car was the hardest thing I didn't want to do, leaving all the memories I made here with my family and friends. Going to school and being with my awesome teachers and friends.

But when telling them, moving was so hard for them. Saying goodbye and seeing a couple of them cry in tears, was breaking for me, I didn't want to leave but I had to go where my brothers went.

Right now sitting in the pickup truck for 7 hours feels so terrible. Can't move or stretch but also it was so boring. Looking out the window watching the trees disappear and houses on the way.

I'm rubbing my soulmate mark on my right shoulder. It was a strange symbol I've never seen before, it looked like a head and it was red and blue, my two favorite colors and at the bottom of the symbol was something of my soulmate, 'Prime' in all black.

I didn't know if I would ever meet my soulmate. Only 25% of the population finds their soulmate or just falls in love with someone else, my brother hasn't met theirs either so I wasn't alone in it.

Feeling my eyes getting heavy, I grab my pillow and blanket and get comfortable in my seat and fall asleep the best I can for probably the rest of the ride, I hope.

10 hours gone by and waking up in the back seat in a very uncomfortable position, moving and hearing your neck and bones crack are not my favorite things to hear.

Looking at the front on the GPS my brother set up, says we will be there in 20 hours. I don't know if I can survive another minute in this good forsaking vehicle.

I look at my older brother driving and tap him on the shoulder, to get his attention.

???: Yes Amber, something wrong Sis?

Amber: Can we please stop somewhere soon, Alex, my bones and muscles are killing me.

He smiles and pull off to the side of the open road and turns off the car, He looks at me with a big smile

Alex: Go out and run around, I think we all need to stretch for a while.

Right after he says that I get out of the truck and see my other two brothers getting out of the moving truck and walk over to pick up.

???: Is something happening?

Amber: No nothing is wrong Ace, it just been a long car ride so far and Alex just pulled over so we can all stretch our legs and bones.

Ace nodded at my answer and walked over to Alex and talked with him for a couple of minutes. The third brother comes up to me and gives me a bug bear hug.

???: How much longer Little wolf, I don't like being in this truck for so long.

Smiling at the nickname they gave me a long time ago, and still used it to this day. Giving him a hug back and looking up a him

Amber: 20 more hours, Andy. I hate it too but we need to get through it.

Andy groans at my answers and he doesn't like it at all. To say my three brothers are triplets, Alex first, Ace second and Andy third. They all looked the same except for their eyes, hair and soulmate marks.

Alex has long light brown hair down to his waist and always in a braid because of me doing it for him, and his chocolate brown eyes. For his soulmate mark it's on the back of his lower neck being an orange wrench that says 'Ratchet' on it.

Ace's hair is a cool dark brown with yellow highlights he got on the top of his short spiky undercut style hair and his eyes are a dark brown too, his mark is a little black and yellow bumblebee on his right back hand saying 'Bee'.

Andy's hair is probably my favorite because it's so curly and soft and the color is so pretty being a cherry brown and his eyes a tiger brown. His soulmate mark is a silver 38 on his calves that says 'Smoky'.

Well we are talking about what my brothers look like then let's talk about me also, I have medium brown hair that goes just below my shoulders and my eyes are a normal brown color.

Walking and stretching was the most good thing that's happened so far on this entire ride. Now back on the road and sitting in the front passenger side looking out the window, only seeing sand and nothing else.

The time went by very quickly to me, we were only 2 hours away now from our new home. I wonder how everything is gonna go once we move in, make new friends, make new music, go to a new school or even maybe meet my soulmate and my brothers.

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